MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why there isn’t a male vocal trinity?

Why there isn’t a male vocal trinity?

All music Chanels talk about the vocal trinity: MariahCarey , Whitney Houston and Celine Dione.
And that got me thinking
why no one talks about a male trinity?
Are male singers not as popular as ladies or what ?

Probably in pop we don’t have great male voices, but we have them in rock.

And here would be my trinity, breaking the rule of the ladies that three of them are American with similar singing styles.
The male trinity has a different color of voices and all do rock but different kind of rock.

Here my male vocal trinity

Jon Bon Jovi
Steven Tyler


I don’t disagree with your picks but I’d like to add:

Bruce Dickinson
Ozzy Osbourne
Freddy Mercury


Really cool trinity as well
A more 70s trinity.
Mine it’s more 80s

Steven Tyler and his band started in the 70s but they really peaked in the 80s with walk this way with run DMC, dude looks like Lady and love in an elevator
