MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > When Will the Cancel Culture Nonsense En...

When Will the Cancel Culture Nonsense End?

This isn't an issue of left versus right, or woke versus non-woke.

Right now, the RIGHT-WING media is trying to cancel a beloved 1980s children's TV presenter because he is gay and his brother is a pedo. This is HOMOPHOBIA and GUILT-BY-ASSOCIATION.

Pathetic saddos in the media are on a witch-hunt. But what does that pathetic tabloid witch-hunt achieve? Even if *wrongs* were committed (HIGHLY DOUBTFUL), you're not going to undo the harm done. All you're going to do is ruin everyone's memories and SPREAD the MISERY. PATHETIC.

Cancel Culture is for MISANTHROPES, who aren't satisfied until EVERYONE is as MISERABLE as them. "Boo fucking hoo. My childhood was ruined, so now I must ruin EVERYONE'S childhood."

Spoiled brats. They remind me of The Penguin from Batman Returns. "My parents dumped me in the sewer, so now I must dump EVERY child in the sewer to make up for MY trauma." Assholes.

FWIW, I've been assaulted. But, like any DECENT person, I got the fuck over it.

Life is good and bad. But the only way we handle the bad stuff, is by PRESERVING the GOOD STUFF. Destroy the good stuff, and, guess what? There's NO reason to live.

So leave these people alone! ๐Ÿ˜ 

And I know some misanthropes here are going to disagree with me, but, guess what, misanthropes SHOULDN'T have an opinion. IGNORE them, unless you want us all to be as miserable as them (no names; but we all know who they are).
