Awkward People
One of my biggest bugbears is awkward people.
For example, I was at the gym this morning, and upon leaving I was getting into my locker to retrieve my stuff, and some guy motioned to me to make room so he could get to the adjacent locker. I thus moved all my stuff and moved to away to the coat rack in the centre of the changing room, assuming he needed to get to the adjacent locker to retrieve his own stuff, but then I see that it's an empty locker, with nothing inside, and he's just arrived. There are plenty of other available, empty lockers throughout the changing room (albeit, not as many as is ideal), but he's chosen to be *awkward* and use the one right next to mine, but if he was so desperate to use that one he could have waited a few more seconds for me to collect my stuff.
What a wanker!
Any other examples of awkwardness that bugs you?