Regular People Mature. Celebrities and Politicians Seem to Regress
I was never in trouble with the law, as a kid. I never committed sexual assault, or said racist/homophobic/virulently misogynist stuff, when I was young.
BUT I was definitely more likely to act like a complete dick during my late teens and 20s, than I would now. There was definitely more potential for me to get into a fight, and do or say something stupid and even illegal, as a 'kid', than today.
Despite my occasionally provoactive behaviour on this site, in real life, I'm extremely placid, and much more likely to be the type to calmly break up fights among my contemporaries than start them/engage in them.
And yet, looks at all the celebs and politicians. It seems that people like, say, Mel Gibson, Donald Trump, and Charlie Sheen, to give a few examples off the top of my head, appear to *get worse* the older they become. Like they're so spoiled and enabled, that they end up leaning in to their worst instincts, whilst the rest of us *learn* from our mistakes, and figure not to do stupid things *again*, or risk doing something stupid in the first place.