The demographic breakdown of MovieChat?
I get the feeling this site is primarily made up of Cis White American men in their mid-40s to mid-50s. Would you agree? I believe they are approxmiately 66.333% (repeating of course) of members.
I myself am an AWAB+AMAB (assigned White at birth, assigned Male at birth) non-binary (90% heterosexual with 7% homosexual and 3% asexual) African Woman who was birthed 31 years ago, though I identify as a 21 year old. I'm also from France though my anestral roots trace back to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Are there any other fellow non-Cis African Women in their 20s on this site? I feel a touch isolated and lonely on here. I hope I'm not the only one. In any case I hope this sites racial, gender, age, national & sexual diversity increases in the near future.
Happy to call myself a MovieChatter.
Cheers and good day fellow movie fans.