MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who's following the Murdaugh case?

Who's following the Murdaugh case?

I haven't. Is he guilty or not?


I watched bits and pieces, but not enough to have an opinion and that's strange because I generally like to follow high profile cases like this.


Best coverage is Rekieta Law's. He's awesome but definitely not for the easily offended!


Seems monumentally guilty from here! I've been following this case for months!

He'll probably spend the rest of his life in jail, while all his cronies who ran a totally corrupt legal system and who let him get away with stealing millions go on with businesss as usual. Seriously, I really wonder how they've kept him from taking them all down with him...


Who do you mean by "his cronies"? I assume not his law partners, who were themselves victims of his theft.


Oh dear, I've been idly following this case for months now, and it's all very complicated. There's been a lot more bad stuff going on around Alex Murdaugh than the murders he's being tried for and the thefts from his firm, there have been massive thefts from clients, people around him have died mysteriously, miscarriages of justice have happened, it all seems to add up to local legal system corrupted by people like Murdaugh. Plus, for all the millions of dollars the SOB stole, he was selling his "hunting lodge" property because he needed money - where did all that money go?

And I can't really give you details, they're out there, but I haven't followed this case closely enough to give you the kind of details that the real obsessives can.


hookers probably


He's allegedly stolen tens of millions of dollars, and has nothing to show for it, and hookers and blow don't cost THAT much. IMHO this is a missing piece of the puzzle.

I'm not watching the trial, unlike the serious true-crime buffs I have a job, so I don't have as much detail as some.
But in addition to the double murder, things have gone on like his housekeeper mysteriously dying in his house a few years ago, had a fatal fall I believe, and he then stole her life insurance settlement from her children, and nobody ever did anything about it. This guy was committing blatant grand theft and not really bothering to cover his tracks, which does rather imply that there was some widespread shadiness in the local legal system. "Don't trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer" indeed.


high end prostitutes can cost a thousand an hour or more


Not me, not one second. I don’t understand the media obsession with this case. Every day in the news I read about domestic atrocities. Why is this one getting OJ Simpson level coverage?


Same here. Every time his name pops-up on the TV, I switch channels.


The case is pretty insane. started off similar to "influenza Texas rich kid in the truck dui killer" with his son killing that poor hot girl with his boat then became a murder of the kid and wife. then got more insane with the paid suicide/ superficial headshot wound. plus all these other weird side quests to be uncovered such as dead maid and dead homo kid. the red flamehead Busta surviving son looks hilarious so there is that comedic relief aspect. i wouldnt even name a dog Buster lmfao 🤣 this case is really something else. Just spend a couple hours cleaning my house and listing to court witnesses and stuff in the background on my phone. I got fully lost in the wormhole, it is way more fascinating than some football player killing his gold digging coal burning hoe wife. there are so many chapters to this Murican horror story it is quite easy to get lost in the sauce...


Have you watched the Netflix documentary? People in the community were legit afraid of the Murdaugh family


yeah recently I was at my dads house and my stepmom pays for Netflix so I just watched it. Interesting documentary, they did a good job honoring the real victim in this whole thing aka the hot girl who died, Mallory I think was her name.


Ive watched the entire trial so far. NOT GUILTY

The state has not even come close to proving that he murdered his family. But he drew a terrible judge who has made several errors and who has displayed a clear dislike of the defense side, so I cant predict what the jury will do.


Buster Murdaugh! How's it going!


he lied about being at the scene of the crime


He did lie about that and it hurt him badly. I think the biggest problem he had was the decision to allow evidence about his financial crimes to be given to the jury.


the financial crimes were relevant to the case. It was literally the day the chickens came to roost for his financial crimes he came home and killed his son and wife. They needed to establish motive. His whole world was falling apart and collapsing around him. He blew his top. His spoiled drunk pos son killing that hot girl was the straw that broke the camels back on Alec's web of lies. The lawyers were gonna start snooping the finances. His wife divorcing him would also open him up to financial prosecution. It isnt the most logical motive but then again killing your own wife and kid isnt really a logical move. The guys lies, big pharma opiod drugs, and narcissism engulfed this mans life to the point he lost all touch with his humanity. The cool as a cucumber voiced black judge did a great job with his ending speech explaining it all


I dont agree, though clearly the jury came to the same conclusions. But no evidence was presented in the trial regarding a pending divorce. I know there was media report that Maggie had called a divorce lawyer but it never made it into the state's case, which leads me to doubt it because they would not have held back if they had that information.


yeah there was no proof of divorce but it seems like it was happening. Maggie checks were bouncing to her charities and she started knowing something is up. A gold digger like that bails the second it makes financial sense to do so. The prosecution didnt need to prove this to make the jury infer it. It is common sense. I think that is why they didnt go into it. It would give the defense a chance to defend against. By not bringing it to the table the jury infers it anyways just cause the personality traits of this whole narcissistic family.


He was going away for LONG time (possibly life) on the financial crimes alone, so in some ways the murder convictions dont make much of a difference. What really bugs me is the idea that someone else got away with these murders.


does it really bug you that much? this guy was a total piece of shit. His son was even worse killing a beautiful girl. His wife seemed not much better based of her 911 phone call reaction about the dead maid. she seemed so unemotional and almost annoyed at her fall. If vigilantes got away with this crime, it doesnt bother me to the slightest. Rather them be out on the streets too take out more corrupt elites. I think it is a very decent chance it was vigilantes but at the end of the day the evidence points at Alec "beyond a reasonable doubt". U dont need be certain to convict someone of murder just "reasonably certain". Its most reasonable he did it


No, he did it, he was proven to be at the scene of the murders.

The people who are going to get away with major crimes are the ones who were in on the financial crimes with him, and that probably includes all his relatives and law partners - I have no doubt they were all up to their eyeballs in crime and corruption. I wish I knew what they've done to keep him from dragging them all under the bus with him, but maybe he'll do that at the next few trials. Or maybe not, maybe he knows damn well that that in that region, the corruption is widespread enough that they can easily have him Epsteined.


Guilty IMO.


yeah he guilty for sure but the state fucked up the case quite a bit so it is possible for him to get off


