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BAFTA criticised because all the winners were white


Here is one of the criticisms:

“Business as sickening usual. Watch how they’ll try to style it out, ‘Ultimately, the best people won on the night regardless of colour etc etc. Oh & we had Alison Hammond & other Black women presenting & nominated so we can’t be racist!!'”

Yes, that's usually how awards work. 'The best people win on the night regardless of colour'. I don't understand the argument. Should the various individual BAFTA voters, who I presume vote separately and within conspiring as a committee, simply vote for POC regardless of whether they think they were or weren't the best?

And WTF was Alison Hammond even doing there? What is her contribution to cinema?

I DESPISE racism. I have more instinctive sympathy for Black people than pretty much any other oppressed and marginalised minority, but I really don't understand the logic here. Should awards simply be given to POC to 'prove' BAFTA isn't racist? And when mediocrities like Alison Hammond are given such a high-profile role, can we truly say that 'Black people have to work 10X harder than everyone else'? Then again, the media is awash with various white, Black, male and female mediocrities these days, so perhaps I'm being unfair in singling out Hammond.

And before anyone says it, yes, we need more Black representation in film, and in theory 19% of awards should be going to POC, seeing that 19% of Britain's population are POC, but that's not the fault of BAFTA per se, and prize-givers shouldn't be obliged to give awards to POC if they don't genuinely believe they were the best in their field in a given year.

Am I wrong? 🤷‍♂️


If every single winner in the acting category was visibly disabled and white, you'd hear, "yeah, but they are all white". Same goes if all the winners were Jewish, gay, Muslim and so on. Race will always trump everything.


They don't play the race card, they play the guilt card.


Black people have been so historically oppressed and marginalised by white Europeans and Americans, that it's no wonder many Black people still feel aggrieved. It will still take a long while for a level playing field to be achieved, and for Black people to truly have the same rights as white people.

However, that doesn't mean that in the meantime we contrive 'balance' and 'fairness' by simply nominating and awarding Black people in such competitions, to make up for the legacy of trans-Atlantic slavery.

By all means, we need to see more money being invested in quality films featuring POC, which in turn will hopefully lead to more Black nominees and award winners, but BAFTA and AMPAS voters shouldn't be obliged to favour Black artists if they felt that a white artist did a better job in a given year. The means by which POC are able to be recognised need to be improved, but in this instance, I don't think it's fair to conflate equal opportunity (which *does* need to be improved) with equal outcome (which is something that should not, in principle, be tampered with).


yes, you're wrong, i believe that blacks are less than 10% of the british population. so why should 1 out of 10 of the population make-up well i dunno?! 50% of the movie business?! thats what they want right? although in reality they are asking for more.

this is the thing i've never got about the left and their so called fight againist "racism". i'm color blind, i have a friend whos black, grew up in the next street to me, we have the same religion, accent, political ideas, went to the same schools, big sports fans..... hows he different to me? because his skin is darker?

so when you're asking for "representation" and well "diversity" well diversity of what? diversity comes from diverse, meaning different, you're saying that because someone is black they are different? isn't that what we've been told is wrong and utterly racist? isnt that exactly what MLK warned us against?!

putting black people in films, giving them awards just because they are black is actually racist as hell! but manfred you've been brainwashed. because this has no logic whatsoever.


Your first paragraph is important to note. 'POC' are minorities in 'the west' (USA, UK etc). It stands to reason by the law of averages that they'll always be under-represented to a degree until/unless they become the majority of the population.

For the record per the 2011 UK census black people are only 3.0% of the UK population.
They're 12.4% of the US population circa 2020.

If anything black people are grossly over-represented in mainstream western media. Definitely when compared to other ethnic minority groups such as South and East Asians, North Africans and West Asians, Native Americans and multi-raced Hispanic peoples.

If representation in the entertainment industry followed the census ratios then only 3/100 UK actors and actresses would be black.

These people do not want actual fair representation, they want affirmative action as such, they want to be over-represented to make up for the racism of yesteryear. They will not be happy till they're winning over 50% of the awards. If one 'POC' had won an award at this years BAFTAs the narrative would have been 'only one POC won a BAFTA'. They'd still be complaining.

These people are race obsessed idiots looking for racism to bitch about so they can feel like human rights warriors. They're using the 'racism' tag to bully awarding bodies into giving 'POC' awards. It's pathetic.


exactly, and i see really no difference between "you can't have an award because your black" and "there you go, heres your award because your black"

theres no difference


and let me correct you on something else

"And before anyone says it, yes, we need more Black representation in film, and in theory 19% of awards should be going to POC"

hahahahaha no! it seems you don't understand the concept of an award, an award goes to the best of something. in this case film. if the best director or actor is black, then they deserve the award, if the best actor happens to be a trans non binary cat who identifies as a rabbit give him the award!

awards aren't given out equally among the population based on demographics, they are given out based on talent, color doesn't come into it.

i'm so afraid for the future with the rational that so many people have, it's fucking terrifying.


What would give criticisms along these lines force if there were some specific artist(s) left out - then you could have a non-racial discussion 'on the merits'. These airy vague likely self-promoting & therefor self-interested denunciations just piss everyone off, are non-productive.


Agreed! But even then, it's all subjective, so how does one sincerely determine that the omission of POC from the awards is a display of 'racism'? I'm not definitively saying "it's not a factor" but this is one of those occasions where I don't think the outcome can necessarily be used as an example of systemic prejudice.


Maybe it's just me, but I think awards should be based on merit.


Trust me, it's not just you.


Seems like a bunch of ginned up malarkey to me, just another case of ‘outrage’ on social media. In other words complete bullshit.

Who walks around looking for dumb stuff to be offended by all day?
It’s all gotten very silly!

Should I be pissed off that the Nigerian Oscar Academy Awards mostly honors black folks..?
Oh, man! Those Mexican Oscar voters hardly ever give a white dude a trophy! I’m so angry over here LOL.

There are too many crybabies.




Black people want participation awards. So sad.


These professional complainers are ruining just causes and making valid complaints seem tedious.

The professional complainers HAVE to find something to complain about, to be outraged about, or they lose their audiences. So they run genuine topics into the ground, or find trivial causes to act outraged about, or flat-out go out and troll for outrage, and make outrage seem ridiculous when they do.


Precisely Otter.

Systemic racism, particularly within the professions, including the performing arts, *is* still a major problem, but, as you say, some of the complainers hurt their otherwise reasonable cause by complaining about the *wrong* things (or maybe they're trolls who are intentionally hurting otherwise righteous causes, not that I'm prone to conspiracy theories). It gives the right/conservatives ammunition to decry their *entire* cause.

Admittedly, I'm highlighting the stupidity here, but not to decry the overall case against racism, but to hopefully sift out the nonsense from the *legitimate* grievances. And complaining that 'too many BAFTAs went to white people' doesn't strike me as a legitimate basis for an otherwise reasonable argument against systemic racism.
