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Thoughts on video?

Any comments? Found this by accident.


That guy plays with elegance and passion. The other guy is an idiot.


Excellent synopsis


I thought the guitarist handled the incident very well. I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out...there is definitely an element of danger there when you go out on streets today and perform.

Being a guitarist, it was interesting to see him play an electric guitar like that without a pick. I play acoustic guitars primarily and use just my fingers as well. Some non-musicians think you need to have a pick to play guitar...maybe that's why the guy thought he was faking it.

Any idea where this was filmed? The guitarist was an excellent player...he handled things very well, IMO.


"Any idea where this was filmed?"

Maybe if you dig in the comment section you might find your answer.


I can't stand street musicians, they are a pet peeve of mine, so fuck 'em.


I'm sorry to have annoyed you, sir.


If you read the description box on the video, the guy repeatedly states that the other guy is mentally ill. I don't think he was mentally ill. I thought he was mentally handicapped and that's a big difference. Might have even been drunk as well. I just think that the guy played so incredibly well for a street musician that the other guy was just so astounded by it that he didn't think he could possibly be playing for real. I mean that was top-notch playing. Another thing though is that in the description box the guy complained a lot about all the negative things that happens to street musicians. Well, you know what dude? Get a real fucking job then if you don't like all the shit that happens on New York City street. Go play in a band, go get paid for it. Go play at bars. And get a real job during the week. Don't be street begging and then complain about all the crazies. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


I agree, after reading his description. He comes off as a jackass


I think you are correct regarding the "mentally handicapped" vs "mentally ill" difference. My dad worked at a mental institution and I would agree that he would probably have been classified as "mentally handicapped." He seemed fine, once the guitarist let him play and realized that he wasn't faking it.

I don't necessarily disagree with the rest of your post either. I've played guitar now for 40 years and one thing you realize after awhile is that great guitar players are a dime a dozen. Also, it's hard to get "noticed" as solely a guitarist nowadays. One thing you'd better have as a musician is a thick skin, because there will always be critics. I thought the guitarist did do a good job of diffusing the situation, because you just never know what could happen if he'd chosen a different route. Yesterday marked 42 years since John Lennon was shot by Mark David just never know what could happen.


I've danced in public to the music of street performers. I regret doing so and won't do that anymore for many reasons because I was probably an annoyance to both the performers and the passersby. (I also got into an argument with a woman because I wouldn't want to dance with her.)

Oh I was such a shallow guy trying to look for love....


paul giamatti "all is bright" character


