Am I the only one who notices that certain demographics of people are worse customers than others?
I don't know where else to discuss this but I need to vent after some recent experiences. I need to rant
I worked retail for four years and now I work as a chips vendor. All my retail life, the worst customers by far has been, generally speaking, white women 40 to approximately 70 years of age.
These people are some of the rudest and most condescending people I've ever met. Keep in mind that I live in a very multicultural city where white people are probably slightly outnumbered.
I am not white myself so this may be a factor. Most customers are not that bad. Young people are the most understanding. Immigrants are usually nice, probably because they got help without somebody ignorantly being fed up at their English skills... And middle aged white ladies.. Well anyways. It's a trend I've noticed.
I would say 8/10 times an incident occurs its one of those ladies. Snark comments, yelling, asking for the manager, condescending comments etc. I am not one to take shit from customers, especially now that I am not an actual retail employee. I have always stood my ground to these people and the entitled attitude they have just amazes me. I am able to read people well and they come off as very bitter, miserable and projecting some of their misery onto others.
Most recently I have two incidents of racial abuse. I have never faced outright racism before in my life until recently. Over the weekend some lady got mad at me because I was blocking the way with my skid. Instead of going around she proceeded to verbally abuse me and call for the manager (even though I don't work there, Lol). A black lady came to my defense and she kept yelling "the only reason why you're helping him is because you're both black". I was shocked.
Another incident involved a white lady in her 50s or so. She was again mad that I was apparently blocking her way with my skid despite me leaving half the aisle open. She went on a rant which included the n word a couple of times. I instantly got pissed, started recording her and told the manager.
I am not one to be politically correct or shy away from discussion about race religion or culture. I am sure that most retail workers can agree with what I'm saying
This 'karen' bullshit is definitely a some what racist and misogynistic word. If there was a buzzword that was commonly only applied to say, young black women, it would be rightfully condemned but such is this 'punching up' mindset that some have that means white people are free game for hating.
Imagine someone on reddit made a post about 'certain demographics' being worse than others and they happened to be talking about African Americans. Tell me how long that post would last on the site. It would get reported and removed for racism.
White women are the best human beings on the planet (only latinas come close).
It's fascinating how this "Karen" phenomenon exploded in recent years. I think it tends to be used not just for difficult customers, but also privileged white women who report on black men over minor things. I.e. like that Central Park jogger Karen that made big news 2 years ago.
It seems to be a well-documented phenomenon dating well back to the slavery and Jim Crow days. I think the most famous case being of Emmett Till where he was basically murdered in the 1950s for whistling at a white woman.