MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What if... a movie remake was...?

What if... a movie remake was...?

If they were to remake any older film now and want to put a real life spin on it, what film would you want it to be? I have a few idea's. Here's one I'll pitch; A remake of "A Weekend At Bernie's". However, instead of Bernie being the punch line well okay, how about "A Weekend At Putin's"? Where Putin is the lying conniving dude who puts out an invitation, but doesn't live to see it play out lol? Instead, he get's killed 3, 4 or however many times over, then is dragged behind speed boat's, get's buried in the sand etc....


It practically writes itself!

Still, if you do have a day job, I wouldn’t recommend handing that resignation in just yet.. maybe a couple of weeks of mental health leave on a beach where you can develop your ideas might be the ticket.. make that three weeks.


Isn't it about time for another Bounty film?


How about the electric car version of Smokey and the Bandit who picks up 3 strippers running away from the mob.
