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What should be the punishment for someone who abuses animals? A fine isn't good enough!



Depends on the severity of the abuse, but I wouldn’t oppose prison sentences for the worst offenders.

Anyone who abuses animals for pleasure is scum though, plain and simple.


They usually turn out to be serial killers. Like that kid who did the Uvalde shooting. There was a video of him holding a bag of dead cats!


I agree with you.


Yes there needs to be prison sentences, and a shift away from demonizing whites to actual criminals such as animal abusers. What I mean by that is turn the population in the extreme against animal abusers through a campaign of commercials, ads, word of mouth et al.



Never let an opportunity to shoehorn white victimisation into a conversation aye, no matter how unrelated to the topic at hand!


Facts b facts, no matter how inconvenient.


Where’s that poster that always used to say, ‘stay on topic or be ignored’ when you need them.


Ignored by that particular poster? He's likely ignored by everyone.


Not all whites, just straight white men, and an ad campaign ain't gonna do it.


I think straight white men are great. Some of my best friends are straight white men. And I’m talking about the men, not those whiny ass bitches who act like they are facing genocide because the little fucking mermaid is black.


Cool. Me too.


Wait! What? The Little Mermaid is black now? Whatever shall I do?


The soap box mate.. get it… GET IT NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE 😱


Being a middle aged bloke, I'm not convinced that I'm the demographic that they're aiming for. No doubt I'll watch it with my 8 year old daughter (although she seems to be more into the Nickelodeon, I-Carly, Thundermans, Henry Danger type stuff nowadays).

I can fake some mock outrage if you like, lol.


What about whites though? My post was about cruelty to animals.


Your post was really about demonizing whites, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it. I really think that it's very presumptuous of you to assume that demons are white. But I guess since certain people assume Jesus is white, why not demons as well?


The subject of my words was punishment of animal abusers, and purposely confusing yourself won't help your case. Things can be mentioned that are not the subject of a sentence or paragraph- I learned this in grade school. Education has really fallen off- people are ignorant of most everything these days.



It depends. Do you plan to cover up the well after throwing the guy down to it or would you let him get out?


It will vary between states/localities. I think the potential penalties under current New York law, for example, are largely insufficient. Most do not carry a potential term of incarceration and even the worst offense among them - "SECTION 353-A Aggravated cruelty to animals" - only carries a 2 year maximum.


People who mistreat their pets should have the same penalties as if they were children. The animals are at our mercy, and worse than a child - they can't tell anyone about it.

It's also very easy to give your pet up for adoption if you can't look after it, or hate having it at your house. All the fault is with the owner.

(Personally I'd like to torture the humans who think it's fine to torture pets but that's just the animal lover in me 😾)


Here in America a billion dollar outfit like the NFL will give you a new multi-million dollar contract after you’ve served time for forcing dogs to mutilate and kill each other.

I love football, it’s the greatest spectator sport imo but shame on them for letting Michael Vick back into the league after what that dirtbag was involved in.

He should have crawled under a rock and stayed there.


Michael Vick signed for the for the league minimum, with the only team that was willing go near him. Sure he got a massive deal later, but only after he proved that he could play, and seriously rehabilitated his image, something he didn’t have to do, but continued to do long after his player career was over.

He should’ve got more time, but Vick is definitely a success story of the prison system, he came out it better than he went in to it.


Oh, here in the UK, the Animal Welfare Act (2006) has a range of potential punishments. Essentially, it's unlawful to cause 'unnecessary suffering' to any fellow vertebrate:

There are two separate categories of offence: one is failing to provide for an animal's welfare (neglect, basically), which can carry bans from owning animals, unlimited fines and/or up to six months in prison.

And then there's the more serious category of animal cruelty, i.e. actively causing harm, which carries unlimited fines, ownership bans and a five year prison sentence.

Those seem like a sensible range of punishments to me. I definitely agree with you that a fine isn't (always) enough.


The AWA sounds reasonable, cruelty towards a household pet (or any animal in general) is a warning sign that the person could be dangerous to people as well.


