MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Monkeypox Being Spread Without Sex

Monkeypox Being Spread Without Sex

"A man who hadn't had sex in months caught monkeypox after going to a crowded outdoor event. Experts say being intimate is still the most common way the virus spreads." --- but he was bisexual. "Choose life. Live straight".

Well, I guess that's one positive for missing a concert or two in July...


Forgive me if I’m mistaken, but haven’t the experts said from the start that they believe it to be spread by physical contact and not necessarily sexually transmitted?

Also, let’s calm the fuck down about this. The facts really speak for themselves -

As of August 4 there are:

26,864 confirmed cases of monkeypox worldwide this year

7,102 monkeypox cases in the US

10 deaths from monkeypox in Spain, Brazil, India, Ghana, and Nigeria.

No one in the US has died from monkeypox.

To compare, there have been 577 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 worldwide and 6.4 million associated deaths as of Aug. 3.


As I already said, this is blatant scaremongering! I’ve got more chance of being struck by lightning than catching this - I wish the media would stop making it sound apocalyptic 😡


Gotta say, that’s an odd title. I’ve never heard of this movie


Gotta say, that' an odd username. I've never heard of you, "new user"
