MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > have you tried any natural medicine or t...

have you tried any natural medicine or therapies

most of it is nonsense. everything from healing salt caves to flotation healing rooms. a wellness cult is developing.


I have found that a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of water with meals aids my digestion. Also Witch Hazel is a good after shave splash, it soothes the skin well.




It depends. At the supermarket the Australian made ACV is strong, sharp and rough as guts but it's good for cooking with. The other brand is made in Italy and it's mild, smooth and has ginger and honey in it so it's much nicer to drink with water and it doesn't cost much more either.


I hate it too. I cringe when I see people frown their lettuce in vinegar.


That smell though.


Slippery elm worked better than the heartburn meds my Doctor prescribed me.


The worst purveyor of natural cures was Kevin Trudeau. Con man currently incarcerated.

James "The Amazing" Randi on homeopathy

Steve Jobs may have lived had he not tried to cure himself with alternative/natural medicine.

Andy Kaufman's desperate attempts to find a cure in quackery were sad to watch in Man on the Moon (1999).

As to myself, nothing except herbs comes to mind. I do take turmeric daily. I do think some herbs can be beneficial.


jobs had the only kind of pancreatic cancer which was curable. so stupid.


Well, Steve Jobs himself was a cult.


AFAIK the wellness movement/cult is tied in to New Age movements of the mid 1960s into the 70s and even 80s.


I don't think it's all nonsense. My doctor had me take feverfew for migraines and it worked better than anything other painkillers I'd tried. Ginger can help with nausea.

I do agree that a lot of homeopathy is like snake oil, but I do think that there are natural ingredients with can help us with some ailments. There is a lot of research into foods and chronic illness like MS.


Interesting... I'll be looking into "feverfew" for migraines. Migraines are like a plague for me and my extended family. They were the worst when I was a teenager.


I know plenty that really work. (At least for me, anyway.)

Chewing gum helps digestion. Meditation relaxes and helps concentration. Tea stops diarrhea. Orange juice prevents oncoming cold. Mint candy helps with nausea. Ice lessens swelling. Rinsing with salt water stops gums from bleeding. Some pressure point massages work, too.

Vitamin supplements important since most people don't eat very well. B12 important for vegetarians or those who rarely eat meat. Most are low in vitamin D. Doctors should always check for deficiencies.


the only supplement i have ever been told to take by a doctor is vitamin d in the winter.


I have some vitamin and mineral levels tested and take supplements based on that.

Sunblock prevents vitamin D absorption in summer. B12 since I don't eat red meat.


Only ginger for an upset stomach.


Ginger is my go to for any digestive issue, especially after having my gallbladder removed.
