MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone else think the trailer for Eraser...

Anyone else think the trailer for Eraser made Arnold look like the bad guy?
The way you don't see his face at the start and the smile on Vanessa Williams' face makes it look like they are both criminals.


Hey I used to love that movie when I was younger! Don't remember a thing about it now though. Very forgettable.

Also, what's with the aerobic tae-bo music? Lol.


One of my least favorite Arnold movies. However, Austrian Death Machine's song about it is pretty decent (the end rips)

EDIT: oops, forgot link


I disagree. To me it was the last really good movie he was in. It certainly is better than End of Days, Junior, or Raw Deal.


I liked EoD much more but yeah, Jr and RD are pretty bad. I agree that in the time after Eraser, his average plummeted. I do like End of Days and 6th Day though.


I liked End of Days a bit and 6th Day too but I honestly think Eraser is better. The one Schwarzenegger movie I couldn't stand watching was Sabotage. His team acted like a bunch of perverts.


There are things to like. Big on my list of complaints about Eraser are the lack of chemistry between him and Vanessa Williams and also the extreme yet bland end sequence that tried to be Terminator. I'd watch it again before I watched Sabotage again, though.

I forgot Expendables as well. The first one was entertaining for a bad movie.


“You’re LUGGAGE!”


Never seen it. Looks interesting, adding to watchlist. Yeah the trailer makes him look like he's erasing her.
