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Which singers would you like to do a duet?

I remember thinking at one time it would be cool to hear Mick Jagger and David Bowie sing together. Unfortunately we got their awful version of Dancing in the Street. Still undeterred I would like to hear what Robert Plant and Roger Daltrey could sing. Who would you like to hear do a duet or extending the field who past or present would you like to sing together?


Freddy Mercury and David Bowie.

Oh . . . Waite a minute.

Both Mercury and Bowie idolized Frank Sinatra. No surprise.

Best other duet I’ve ever heard? Carol King and James Taylor on Will You Love Me Tomorrow? Taylor’s harmonies are perfect, heartfelt and dripping with his personal connections to King. You’d have to be beyond dead not to feel them.

Then there is the undeniable fact that the composition is perfect. The lyric is simple, accessible to everyone of any level of education. The melody flows effortlessly, like the Danube or Mississippi or Nile. The song posits a fear every person , I don’t care who you are, has: I love you. Will you hurt me?

I believe that loving another is courageous; but that loving another romantically is the most courageous act of all. I really feel
that in this song.,vid:SSJ3dOn1dFg,st:0


Britney Spears and Julio Iglesias


I would have liked to have heard Cupid as a duet with Sam Cooke and Amy Winehouse. I liked both versions and thought it could have been great as a duet as they were both amazing singers.


stevie knicks and stevie wonder


Shirley Bassey and David Gates
