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Can someone explain the Russia-Ukraine situation?

I'm trying to understand what's behind it Russia about to attack Ukraine, but all I seem to understand is Putin is acting like the school bully by making threats, and everyone else is saying "Oh, yeah?!" like they're pretending to be tough guys in return.

So could someone please explain it in a way that even a simpleton, such as myself, can understand?

Thanks in advance.


i can't personally, but this podcast has a pretty good discussion on the topic. it doesn't tell you all the history, of course, & it doesn't give you all the facts on recent history of the crimea conflict. but i think it's a good overview.


Those Commie Bastards in Russia miss the old Soviet Union, and are trying to get some of it back.



try watching RT on YouTube (it's on 24/7) to get the other side.

I think its all a ploy to sell more weapons. The US can't have a defense budget for 800 billion, and not USE those weapons, so they make excuses.


Isn't that what the Middle East is for?


We've already sold to them, or have bombed them to death.

There was a report leaked, where Yemen told the US, "We'll just tell them they're our drones".. Joe Biden said he'd end the genocide. During his press conference a week ago, a reporter asked him, "It's going to be tough"

Dude, you're the Commander-In-Chief - you can end it in 2 seconds! But then those who really control the country would make sure his poll numbers go down.


Nicholas Cage controls that.


Where is kukuxu when we need him?


Here. 😁


I'll try to talk about the factors that I know of. One big problem is that the Soviet Union would send its citizens to the Soviet satellite nations like Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, etc. Roughly 20 - 30 percent of the people in Ukraine are ethnic Russians that hold Russian passports and reside in Ukraine. A larger percentage of these Russians live in the east of Ukraine but there are still ethnic Ukrainians all over the country. There are a few areas of eastern Ukraine that are trying to break away from Ukraine to become semi-autonomous or a part of Russia. Russia is probably supporting them with arms and little green men. Crimea was part of Ukraine for a long time but Russia took Crimea back in 2014 with little green men, Russian soldiers wearing fatigues without identifying patches/insignias.

Russia previously attacked Georgia when ethnic Russians wanted to break away from Georgia to become independent states/zones. Twenty percent of Georgia's territory is under Russian military occupation but their population of Russians isn't as sizeable as the Russian population in Ukraine. There is a strip of land between Ukraine and Moldova called Transnistria that is also occupied by Russian military troops and they operate as an independent republic.

Another big issue is the gas pipeline that runs through Ukraine to Europe. That was the only pipeline that sent gas to Europe and Ukraine received royalties. The Germans have built the Nordstream pipeline to bypass Ukraine. Russia might be able to bully Ukraine if they are sending their gas through Germany instead of Ukraine.


In a nutshell: Russia is afraid of the NATO deploying troops and missiles close to Moscow.

A couples of weeks ago the White House said that they would attack Cuba if Russia deployed missiles there. Russia was having some talks, though I think it was more of a trolling to incite White House to make an statement. You didn't see that any news about that statement in most western media, though.

A few years ago, when Greece entered bankruptcy, China offered the possibility of paying their debt if they allowed to deploy missiles there and Greece considered it for a while. The EU didn't let it happen, they would have attacked Greece first.

Nobody likes enemy missiles deployed too close to you. Russia is far from being the only one.


Long story short: Ukraines democtraticly elected leader was overthrown by western backed neo-nazis (the Azov Battalion) in a coup d`etat a couple of years ago. And a EU and Nato friendly puppet was inserted as a leader instead. So Russia is rightfully worried that Ukraine might become NATO members with NATO bases popping up in Russias back yard. (And Biden and co will not promise that Ukraine will NOT be Nato members.) This wil of course be a violation of the buffer-zone agreement between east and west. But the Biden administration dont seem to care much about old boring agreements.. So here we are then, on the brink of WW3 over en eastern european country that is not a NATO member -whose population is near 50% russians.. Just because of some power hungry madmen that rules the west..
All that has to be done to assure peace and de-escalation is a new agreement that Ukraine will not become a Nato country, since `we`dont seem to respect the old agreement.. -Remember when "everyone" was scared that orange man would start WW3?


Let's go, Brandon!


WW3 is coming, start collecting bottle caps.

reply Read this, and it will all make sense...


Thanks for this. It's making sense now.
