What did you awesome people watch this week? (01/09-01/15)
I had a good week movie wise, because don't et me wrong, I love being home with my family but outside my door, the world is going nuts. Especially here in Quebec. I mean, did any of you guys heard of us on the news lately? We were worldwide gossip material.
My good week:
A nightmare on Elm street (1984 DVD): I have to say this movie was foggy in my mind but one thing’s for sure, it was not as great as I remembered it. First of all, what’s up with those guys walking bare feet in the street? That was weird but I won’t deduct points for that. No, but I will because there’s honestly not that much going on and in the ending, the Nancy girl goes Home Alone on Freddy’s ass and he’s just being ridiculed. I felt bad for the poor guy. Then that part where she breaks the window and screams for the police to come over but they just stare at her and say « everything will be fine.”, that was highly frustrating to watch. When they finally go to help her she still has to do all the dirty job herself because they are too slow and pathetic. But still, this is the one that started it all and at the time it came out I can understand the hype it got. It lost of its shine over the years I’d say. And there is only a total of four kills…you can do better than that Freddy, c’mon man. My rating: 6.5/10
A nightmare on Elm Street 2: Even sillier, with another very low kill count and with less going on in it than the first one, this is a true joke. At least this time Freddy got wiser. Since he couldn’t defeat a young teenage girl the first time now he decided to befriend a young teenage boy to make him his ally. By the way if someone can explain to me how this teenage boy makes friend and girlfriend so easily I would appreciate it because he was a freak who he screamed like a girl. Eck, she just met him and the girl is willing to kiss Kruger on the mouth in order to help him. Even Freddy wants to be his fiend but he got a plan though, he wants to kill more teenagers through his new friend, unfortunately it all came at a cost: The maggots inside his chest were replaced by a bleeding heart so he just couldn’t pull it. Once again the teenage girl wins. What a fucking joke. 5/10
A nightmare on Elm Street 3: dream Warriors: This is the one with huge Freddy, tiny Freddy, super-giant Freddy, television Freddy. This is the one that should’ve been the sequel, this is the one with an Oscar winner and an Oscar nominee in the cast (take that young Johnny!) , this is the one with the best one-liners, this is the one where Nancy didn’t grow up at all but dresses like a grown-up woman so it makes a big difference, this is the one with “the group”, the sister, the wizard master, and this is the one with the boobies so this is my rating: 7.5/10
The dead don’t die (2019 Netflix): A few months ago I came close to buying this one for nine bucks but the reviews we’re not good and Jarmush is a hit and miss with me so I picked another movie. I regret it now because I really enjoyed it a lot and wish it was in my collection right now. My rating: 8/10
The rock (1996 DVD): I had seen this back in the days but only remember major scenes. I can now say that I’m totally up to date with Bay’s filmography and this sure is no exception from the rest of his work; bonkers and entertaining as can be. It reminds me of my good Call of Duty days, for some reason. Solid action flick. My rating: 7.5/10
The bouncer (2018 DVD): I bought this months ago when the video club closed its doors because I’m a JCVD fan but from the cover I expected some sort of silly action movie about a guard hired to protect a young girl but I was very wrong. I will even go as far as to say this movie was as good as JCVD. Highly recommended for any fan of the the Muscles from Bruxelles. Oh and, if you want a good chuckle read the IMDb storyline for this movie (by peter-Patrick). My rating: 7/10