MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Help me Add something to my story a line...

Help me Add something to my story a line or two.. or tips.

story is basically about a girl and a boy ... girl wear hijab and white clothes and boy white clothes.

they come together to stop the repitlian invasion.....

then a reptilian church.................

i did tell you about a heaven scene :)

is there anything you can add or recommend ...

thanks :)


Everybody loves a happy ending.


Except the masseur.


Depends on the money.


I love true stories!


Stick a car chase in ! Using white cars ! Also lots of white goats ! And 77 virgins in heaven dressed in white ! David Icke makes a guest appearance dressed in turquoise ! J K Rowling and the Watchoutski Sisters have a sword fight while on fire off the shoulder of Orion !


This b8 is too obvious. It has the right flavor for biting but the hook is visible.


Stolen jewelry in a pawn shop


one of the reptiles is a turn-coat, has a secret love for us inherently loveable humanoids, and the couple rides him to their hideyhole & starts a 5th column among the reptiloids, ultimately winning the day, whereupon the humans kill all the reptiloids, except our allies, who get put in a zoo. the end.


Add a few musical numbers, at least one song by Ariana Grande* and another by Dua Lipa*.

* ElSofoqueDos approved
