MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should actors remove blemishes ?

Should actors remove blemishes ?

Say like a biggish mole on the side of the nose that is quite distracting. Or should they proudly flaunt it ?


Yes, but only on film. Some people might think it's part of the story. If I saw a guy with a huge mole, I'd probably think to myself that later on in the film someone was going to point it out or make fun of him.


Good point. Also some moles are like the actor's trademark, which while it's great and all, it makes the audience keep seeing the actor instead of the character portrayed.

Except of course if the movie is actor driven, like The Rock movies or similar.


It depends... on whether it's a "beauty mark" as opposed to a blemish.


Depends on the situation.
Roger Moore and Cindy Crawford both had moles on their faces that they treated almost like trademarks.
Cathy Lee Crosby was known as one of the most beautiful woman in the world. In truth she has a large rosacea on her face that she keeps concealed at all times.


Flaunt it 👍


If actors want to build careers and break into the kind of leading roles that only go to photogenic actors, they'd damn well get moves scars, and unsightly nose bulges removed.

That's how an actor gets ahead in Hollywood!
