Boromir's guess the famous game #254 [Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez is the famous character - cyberbob wins!]
1. I'm thinking of some famous figure, it can be a philosopher, politician, entertainer, scientist, fictional character, criminal, animal, being, etc.
2. You need to ask me a yes or no question about this person, for example, "Is the person still alive?," "Does the person work in the entertainment industry?," any question you can think of that helps you to reveal the answer. The host answers with yes or no only.
3. Maximum 1 question and 2 guesses per player per answer.
4. The winner can either start a new game or say "pass." In case of a pass, the OP gets to start another.
5. Can't edit a question or guess once posted. Delete ONLY.
List of mystery persons
1: Fictional? Yes
2: Human? Yes
3: Character originates in a novel? No
4: Mythological? No
5: Character created before 1800? No
6: Portrayed in a movie/s? Yes
7: Cartoon? No
8: Fairytale? No
9: Character created before 1930? No
10: Created after 1900? Yes
11: Evil/villain? Not exactly
12: Male? Yes
13: Character ever portrayed by an Oscar winner? Yes
14: Comic book/superhero? No
15: Is the character in the military? No
16: Used in commercials? No
17: Does the character appear in a sci-fi genre movie? No
18: Special powers/abilities? No
19: Does the character appear in a horror genre movie? No
20: Does the character appear in a crime genre movie? No
21: Does the character sing? No
22: Is the character non-American? His nationality is slightly ambiguous; he may or may not be American - however, I think he's most likely non-American
23: Does the character appear in a Western? Yes
24: Lone ranger? No
25: Does he ride a horse? Sometimes, but not always.
26: 'Man with No Name' (Portrayed by Clint Eastwood) No
27: Does he use a gun? Yes
28: Portrayed by John Wayne? No
29: Is the character funny? Yes
30: Will Kane from High Noon? No
31: Portrayed by Ben Kingsley? No
32: Bret Maverick? No
33: Played by Henry Fonda? No
** EDIT on question 22
34: Native American? No
35: Hopalong Cassidy? No
36: Portrayed by Yul Brynner? No
37: Is the character a person of color? Yes
38: Portrayed by Marlon Brando? No
39: Ned Logan from Unforgiven? No
40: Is the character Hispanic? Yes
41: Django Freeman? No
Cyberbob wins with Tuco, the morally ambiguous, charismatic and hilarious Mexican bandit from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I think one of the greatest movie characters of all time.
nyctc7 - 56
hownos - 45
Boromir - 34
LauraGrace - 31
Carrot - 30
Kawada_Kira - 27
tcrum - 8
capuchin - 7
cyberbob - 7
sslssg - 3
lud - 2
Bloodshot77 - 2
StoneKeeper - 1
FredBurroughs - 1 share