MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should schools bring this back?

Should schools bring this back?


Physical fitness programs ? Yes I'm all for them. In fact schools should spend much less time on "academic" studies of dubious value and more time on physical and emotional well being.

Now I'm not saying that schools should be turned into semi boot camps like in the video link. But physical fitness can be taught without all the military hard arse attitude that some dopes insist on bringing to it.

And I wouldn't make it compulsory for students who really aren't up to it. Why humiliate them for no purpose ?


We had gym class up until tenth grade in my school district and I think that's acceptable. Most athletic people chose to participate on the sports teams by the tenth grade.

I don't like the different colored shorts method of ranking people and I think there would need to be a similar program for girls. I think it would be better for teens to be taught a program for lifelong health that would emphasize diet, exercise and overall well-being.


Looks like boot camp. That's a bit much for the middle of the school day.


Probably not, since probably over half the school wouldn't be able to even complete it.
