MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What highly successful movie franchise d...

What highly successful movie franchise didn't do squat for you? (star wars, harry potter, etc)

Here's some that come to mind that were successful but maybe you just never liked.

Dirty Harry
Star Wars
Back To The Future
Indiana Jones
Lord of The Rings
Harry Potter
Fast and Furious
Marvel Movies


Star Wars. I liked the second one...
Fast and Furious was not bad in the beginning.
Same for Marvel. I'm just tired of this type of movie.
I'm also tired of overdone CGI.


No one has mentioned the Bourne franchise so I will. I think I saw a few minutes of one once. Not my cup of tea. And there is something about Matt Damon I don't like, even though I think he is a good actor.


I concur. I never accepted him as an action star, even though he did a great job. It's weird.


fast and furious

i can find something to enjoy in all the other series you mentioned (except harry potter - have to defer on that as i haven't seen any of them).


I watch these but some of them are hard to get into.


I don't think any of those listed do much for me really, but - discounting Fast & Furious, because I've never seen any - I've enjoyed individual movies to one degree or another from all those franchises. Except Bond. I've never remotely enjoyed a James Bond film, so that has to be my answer: Bond.


i took a run at the bond films some time back - at least a decade or so ago...started at the beginning and i think i got up to the dalton films, or close to that. and i realized that i didn't enjoy a single one of the. there were a few that i guess were sort of passably entertaining in a spy/action way. goldfinger, maybe? her majesty's secret service? one of those.

but otherwise, i found them absolutely not fun at all and i'm happy leaving it at that.


Harry Potter. I saw the first film and thought it was ok. I tried watching the next one and lasted about 15 minutes. I tried reading the first Potter novel, too. Lasted about 50 pages.

Lord of the Rings. I love the novel. The Jackson movies do absolutely nothing for me. I even recently tried to watch Fellowship again and I had to stop. I did enjoy the animated movie from the 70s, as imperfect as it is and unfinished, I still felt it was miles better than what Jackson did.


Star Bores
Bored of the Rings
Dirty Harry


Harry Potter. It's for kids.



Transformers - Didn't grow up with any of the cartoons. And I really don't care for the movies. Just noise. Deafening noise & junk mushing together. I did like the recent Bumblebee one though. And that's about it

Back to the Future - I know they're these huge cultural phenomenon things but I just never cared for them

Star Wars - Didn't grow up with 'em & by the time I was an adult, I didn't care for 'em. I like one or two films & I love The Mandalorian, the franchise/universe as a whole though, Not a huge fan

Star Trek - Same as Star Wars

The Hunger Games - I just couldn't get into them

Rocky - I'm not into boxing or boxing related entertainment

The Conjuring universe - Yeah, no.

Dirty Harry films - I've only seen bits & pieces. Never watched a full film

The Twilight Saga - I'm not the target audience

Sub-category : I like The Lord of the Rings trilogy but I don't care for any of The Hobbit films. Same with the Harry Potter franchise. Not a fan of The Fantastic Beasts spinoff at all.
