The Greatest TV Shows of All Time
I've listed them chronologically, as they are all about equally good.
Amos 'n' Andy 1951
The Twilight Zone 1959
Monty Python's Flying Circus 1969
Fawlty Towers 1975
Taxi 1978
Seinfeld 1989
Twin Peaks 1990
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1997
South Park 1997
The Sopranos 1999
The Wire 2002
Arrested Development 2003
O'Grady 2004
The Office 2005
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2005
Mad Men 2007
Breaking Bad 2008
The Leftovers 2014
Better Call Saul 2015
Daredevil 2015
Preacher 2016