MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Original message boards.

Original message boards.

When the old imdb boards were about I never commented at all, after watching a film I used to go on and read or read loads of posts about older films.
Not sure why I didn't comment.

Anyone else do the same?


Nope, I often added something and some comments have made their way to these boards. Every now and then I stumble across them on lesser watched film or where some one has revived an old thread.


I wish I did that I'd love to see what rubbish my old self was talking lol.


It's a little frustrating sometimes when I mean to add a new comment and find I said exactly the same thing years ago.


Of course yeah, didn't think Of that.


you can! if you remember a post you made look it up on here. theres still posts from years ago


Rather lame that only alternative sites offer the profile view for old imdb post history, easier to remember your old name than it is to remember what you posted.


I lurked on IMDB and I think I only posted a few times on the I Need to Know board. I miss having the resource of all of those people. I know we have one here, but a lot of times the questions go unanswered.


Yeah I bet it was good to have quicker and more responses.
Saying that I really like MC at the moment, great set of people.


Generally I was a lurker, like here. But I would comment on Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit forums every now and again. Man I would have loved to hear Pierce Brosnan as Smaug!!


Yeah I lurked a lot lol, when I knew they was closing I was a bit gutted to be honest I thought nowhere to read funny movie stuff now.
This place is good tho.


The sopranos board was a huge source of amusement back in the day. funny characters, people talking about meeting up in the real world to fight! somebody faked his own death.... there were rumors that the sopranos board actually made IMDB close their boards.


I used to read a lot of the karate kid stuff, there's a bit of talk that they shut the boards lol.
Wonder what the real reasons are, just a lot of trolling they couldn't manage I assume.


The internet has changed a lot over the last 3 or 4 years, and it's pretty scary. although i don't usually believe in conspiracy theories they fascinante me. theres one in particular that really fascinates me,5 years ago if i searched it in google i'd get a whole host of different opinions, information.... now if i search for it, there are only fact checking sites that say it's all nonsense.

They've really took down a lot of things where people are free to comment and talk about things, the internet has become so much more regulated and sterile. i suppose the IMDB boards were just another victim...


No, I commented a lot. Even got stalked by Christina_Barrett for a while.


isn't she that crazy person from that other site that i won't name?


I don't know which other site you mean, but on IMDb she used to be obsessed with questions of race and tended to get fixated on other things as well. Most people thought she was crazy but I had my doubts.


that's the one




Yes! I did exactly the same, and I don't know why either 🤷‍♀️


Glad it wasn't just me.

