Tales of the Stupid
Tell a story in which you did something very stupid.
When I was 10 or 11, a friend and I were "diving for distance" in my pool. We strung a water hose across the middle of the pool as a distance goal. We imagined superhuman distances to be achieved and thus reasoned that we should dive from the shallow end of the pool so that we were diving toward the deep end. This way, we would not be heading into the curvature and endo our skulls. Our mental diagram made sense.
So we would get a running start and launch out over the water hose, adjusting it further and further away as we gauged our ability. On one attempt, I did not get a good launch. I was going to land on the water hose. Re-positioning the hose was a pain in the as so I under-shot it so as not to hit it. This made me arc down close enough to graze the crest of my forehead along the pool floor.
I came up from the drink thinking nothing of it. However, my friend had a lot to say with his facial expression. Blood and hair were pouring down my face and into my idiot grin. I had cut open my head in 2 places just above the hairline.
14 stitches later, I continued the foolish decision making by not having my whole head shaved to match my shaved prow with stitch-studded wounds. I still have the scars.