MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Open letter to Hollywood

Open letter to Hollywood

Dear Moviepeoples,

I know that one of the next things on the horizon for you is a black James Bond, but I’ll do you one better and suggest a Trans variation next. Heck, they can still be black too, but it’ll all be worth it just for the opportunity to use the phrase “The name is Bond...Trans Bond.”

Feel free to use that idea, Hollywooders. You’re welcome.


Seriously if they are going to deviate that far from the source material they'd might as well just create a new character. Seriously make a franchise about a black, transgender superspy, if there is good writing and good acting it might be successful.


James Bond movies are a family business, they don't care that much about Hollywood - and they usually don't have to.

Unfortunately, their financial freedom was greatly reduced by ... well .. 2020.


Well, that's what you get from keep making boring Bond movies.


I'm sorry you have so little else to occupy your mind with.


Happy new year


I'd love for Bond to return to the 1950's and 1960's as he is in the books, just like most Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan films are in their original time period, but I don't think that will ever happen until there is a major James Bond flop, so I endorse a James Bond film deviating so much from its source that it’s no long familiar to its fans and flops heavily, Charlize Theron for James Bond!


I concur, but she seems to be doing better at playing villainous roles.


She could play him as a villian then. 🤔


lol, yea,... now that would be one nefarious "double agent".


I agree. I wish they were like The Man From U.N.C.L.E.


I don't care if Bond is black, but if they're actively looking for a black Bond just because, then it's going to be bland. James Bland.


Remember Sandra Bland. Say her name.


Just get a goat and graft a cock onto its forehead and call that the next James Bond.

They don't give a fuck.
Why should I care if they destroy their own characters?
Why should you?


Hollywood wrote back . But it was the one in Florida
