Flash that buttery gold, jittery zeitgeist
Wither by the watering hole, what a patrol
What are we, to heart huckabee, art fuckery suddenly
Not enough young in his lung for the water wing
Colorfully vulgar poacher at a mulch like
'Ima pull the pulse out a soldier and bolt.' (Fine)
Sign of the time we elapsed
When a primate climb up the spine and attach
Eye for an eye, by the bog's life swamps and vines
They get a rise out of frogs and flies
So when a dog fights hog-tied prize sorta costs a life
The mouths water on a fork and knife
And the allure isn't right
No score on a war-torn beach
Where the cash cows actually beef
Blood turns wine when I leak for police
Like 'That's not a riot, it's a feast, let's eat.'