If I see one more liberty mutual ad...
I will spontaneously combust.
shareWe will miss you!
shareThere has been a blitz of Liberty Mutual commercials everywhere. They are trying to be funny like Geico and Progressive but they are not. Nothing worse than low grade, try-hard comedy. I hear "Limu Emu!" and I turn off the radio/tv for a minute.
shareLiberty Bibberty
shareI sadly picture Johnny Bench killing cute emus
Liberty doesn't bother me because I don't hear it much. But I listen to internet radio all day and if have to hear another Progressive ad with Jamie...🤬 They play the same damn ad 100x per day for years now. It's crazy.
shareI feel the same way about male grooming products. I watch more YouTube than TV these days, and I think every other ad features some guy talking about his junk.
shareyeah its super lame they insult you to your face and tell you the soap you use to wash your balls is shit. like fuck you dude i aint buying ur overpriced bullshit soap. u gotta use adblocker theses days or u go crazy. the commercials these days are ridiculous
shareWhat gets me is the thousands of Liberty Mutual phishing e-mails I get. Oddly, none of them are from Liberty Mutual.