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Looking for a movie

Hello everyone.
I'm looking for a movie (I think). I saw this is the early 90's and the movie, as far as I remember, has the look and feel of something made in late 80's or early 90's. I don' t know whether this was a foreign language movie or not.

The plot is a Frankenstein monster (appears human but strong) brought back to life. The filming environment is very urban (with skyscrapers and stuff).

I only distinctly remember the climactic scene which occurs on the terrace of a building. The scene I remember is these 3 or 4 people (guys and girls) try to fight this "monster". A tall girl in jeans delivers and running kick to the groin of this "monster" which seemed to "work".




There was a TV miniseries that took place in contemporary Los Angeles called House of Frankenstein, however, it didn't come out until 1997.


Nope. Not that one.
This was much earlier in the decade or maybe even earlier.


Maybe this list could help:


Thanks. It's the same list when I do a tag search on imdb. I don't think it's any of these.
