MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I recently found out a longtime "female"...

I recently found out a longtime "female" poster is an old gay man

And when I post anything related to it on that board, it gets censored by that person, who is a mod, with the admin's support. And when I say censored, I mean with other shit to make it look it I said something I didn't say.

This person has been posting way back since the IMDB days, and I just found out.

This person has cybered men before, and has PMed me sexually explicit things, and I knew something wasn't quite right,

If there's ever a poster who claims to be female, but they never post a picture, or do post pics that look fake, and always make excuses why they can't post pics with a sign e.g. "I will later/my cam is broke/I never post pics on demand" then...catfish.

I think it's pretty disturbing to masquerade as a young girl online when you're really a gay man. That's assault. On top of that, having the admin shun that info because he doesn't want you embarrassing and ostracizing a 10+-year legacy poster in a snap of a finger.


I don't understand a single thing about this thread.


It's called catfishing.

Person says they are 25 year old woman. Posts several pics of "themselves" over the years which indicate such.

Goes on Tinychat and plays cam feeds in short clips of that person.

Turns out person is really an old fat man, and has been stealing those pics and playing cam feeds through ManyCam.


This happened here on MovieChat?


In order to restore fairness and balance, I will from now on be a young girl posing as an old gay man.


Two rules to heed online:

1 - 99% of girls online are actually dudes
2 - Say no to e-girls
