Does anybody wholeheartedly consider writing their own movie?
I have always been keen, plus shooting it and what not, hard to find like minded individuals.
shareI have always been keen, plus shooting it and what not, hard to find like minded individuals.
shareWhen I was young I would film stop-motion films with action figures. I would honestly do that, or some kind of CGI thing, before ever doing anything with real actors.
shareWhy the negativity towards real actors? not saying it is unwarranted, just wondering.
sharei remember making animation films as a kid using power point.
sharewhat's stopping you? it's never been easier.
sharejust hard to find myself, and others with the spare time to enlist in artistic endeavours.
shareDo a one minute, one-shot short, first.
Write a script with the freeware that exists all over.
You probably have a better camera than most had years ago in your pocket or hand right now. There are all kinds of adapters and software to work with these devices as well.
If you have a computer, you can edit. If you want feedback from others, put it online somewhere
Then do a 3 min, 3-shot short. Then 10 min. Then 30 min. You get the idea.
Get kids who do high school/college plays to act or those from local theater groups -- or friends.
Post something online asking for others like-minded in your area to help in exchange for you helping with their project idea. Start a "Meet-up" for the same.
Most of the time everyone is waiting for someone else to take the initiative. You can be that person.
everything you said i have thought of, not saying that you saying it was pointless. i just need to get off me arse and do it. its all about passion, and that shit can be fleeting, i know that for a fact.
shareright. so nothing is actually stopping you but you.
sometimes the obvious has to be restated for effect.
and sometimes the real answer is that you don't care about doing it all that much.
I mean you've probably written a short script's worth of words in the past week right here on moviechat, right? I know the level of thought that goes into it isn't the same, but still, when people say they don't have time, it sometimes means they don't feel like doing it with the time they have.
do you really wanna do it?
i have written a fair few scripts, scenes , movies. Mostly trash. My problem is not with finding time to write or inspiration. I think its more with getting it altogether and seeing a finished product. Most of my life, well since i was like 12 i wrote music, mostly lyrics, then i started rapping. So that would give me a sense of satisfaction. Seeing then hearing my vision come to life. Its just harder now with my new passion, movies. I have lost my passion for music and am now trying to funnel it into a completely different medium.
shareI understand the sentiment. It's just that navel-gazing doesn't resolve things one way or another. You might find that you hate the process altogether, but we know there's only one way to find out.
I know a lot of budding filmmakers who are actually passionate about watching/talking movies rather than making them -- but they don't realize this. Ironically, the genuine filmmakers don't have that much time to watch all those movies b/c they're so devoted to using every spare moment creating their own stuff. They both claim to be passionate about film.
i for sure understand that. i always question if i am passionate enough to make movies. cause there is almost no point in doing so if you aint. cause passion trumps. if you dont want to be the best you wont be the best.
sharewell if you dont think you can be best rather.
shareI guess what I was getting at is that passion and wanting need to manifest in the doing or else those terms should be called into question. Elbow grease is underrated. It's like the desire to get in top shape. You can buy gear, clothes, read books, hire a personal trainer, join a gym, devise the best regimen to follow -- but if that's more about putting off the doing a little longer, you're kidding yourself. You could go for a walk/jog/run or do some push-ups today. The latter would further the supposed goal far more than the other stuff I listed. There's energy in the doing. I agree that it's harder with the creative arts b/c there's a contemplative phase but don't get stuck there forever. While you're dreaming up your masterpiece, you can work all those muscles with small projects in the meantime. Again, the latter will only help further the realization of the masterpiece or becoming the best.
shareWell put. Food for thought. No time like the present. Now i'm accidentally talking in bumper stickers, but i get you. You have to make mistakes, create shit over and over before you can even think about saying your an artist. I mean if it was easy no one would watch.
shareThe best all do one thing. They throw themselves into it. They can't help but do it. They get lost in it. It consumes them. But you have to be honest with what "it" actually is or isn't.
sharetruth is i have had passion for artistic endeavours, and i wouldnt say it consumed me but i spent all my free time engulfed in it, freely. i loved it.and i think i may be chasing movie making as a way to fill that hole, cause i for sure dont have the same passion i had in the past,and maybe never will, but all i know is i want this. i just think it is a different passion. I could get more intimidate feedback with my past passion, but i want something that transcends that, i want a challenge.
shareElbow grease is underrated... There's energy in the doing.
mrbobby touched on an interesting point. Most people who try to do a creative endeavor will eventually come up against hurdles, whether it's feeling too introverted or difficult to work with actors, a lack of resources, one way or another situations not aligning to your vision. Don't let any of these hurdles stop you. Any time you find yourself stopped, your hopes pressed to the jagged rocks of reality as it were, step back and find some way, find something, YOU CAN DO, right now, to take the idea closer to actualization.
For instance, for $0 and with nothing more than a pencil and paper you can make a storyboard. Get good at drawing, (which I couldn't over-recommend to an aspiring filmmaker,) and you can make one that would be gripping in its own right. Or you could do the same with your phone camera and some action figures and found props—anything that works. If you add a laptop and some basic editing software you can sequence the storyboard you've created into an animatic, find the beats, see the general timing, add sound to it, whatever—and have a rough version of your project in front of your eyes, and that you can show to others. Just that can communicate a lot to a collaborator, and done well even get someone excited enough to get them on board with you. This is just an example. There is always something you can do to take your idea a step closer to realization, whatever the problem you may face is. Get imaginative with it and don't let circumstances stop you. You are now creating your own reality.
my problem recently may be lack of passion, but also when i was passionate say about music i had people around me always collaborating, im not making excuses, cause i am still creating and am always searching and trying to stoke creativity in the people around me, but having someone versed and knowledgeable in the craft you want to learn, urges you to be better, or at least someone running along side keeping the pace so to speak. all i think i was trying to get at was i have the passion and have the ideas, but the reason i felt the need to switch mediums, the reason i want to get into film is the collaboration. i making no excuses i guess i just want folks like you telling me to shut the fuck up and get a move on, so cheers.
shareCheers buddy! You can do it, and it will be a blast. There will be times when you'll work with other people and times when you may have to make a big push on all your own steam, alone. Cultivate your work as an every day lifestyle and you'll never be hanging out to dry.
sharetruth is i need a hobby for lack of a better word, i need an outlet. im getting to old to skateboard(just got my wrist out of a cast). the cast was only on for one week, dumb doctors, they say i have broken wrist,i miss a week of work. well truth be told my fucken wrist was fucked. no break. hard to keep on track when you have a thought and your typing, not a good sign for a budding screen writer.