MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is anyone here in quarantine?

Is anyone here in quarantine?

Or do you know anyone who is?

My mother will be for 14 days when she gets back to Australia.


As much as I can. My husband is in a very high risk group so we are staying in. I am making a couple of grocery runs, but I'm going very early in the morning when the store first opens. They have closed stores overnight for cleaning and restocking and I will go when there are as few people as possible.


Why not have grocery's delivered to your home?


After today I will - or I will order on line and pick them up.

My washer died and I have one scheduled to be delivered and installed on Wednesday. I'm going to stay away from the delivery guys as much as I can. After that I'm through with other people for a while.


I'm in an at risk group with a compromised immune system because of anti rejection drugs I have to take for my transplant kidney. The virus is spreading a little bit in my state now, with over 30 confirmed cases from only one a few days ago. Yeah, I won't be going out much if I can avoid it, though I'm not officially in quarentine.


I'm still going to work every there's that..That could change if things get worse.
My husband and my mother-in-law are in a high risk so they'll stay in as much as possible... and it seems many MC members may be self quarantining for the time being.


I was in Quarantine. Jennifer Carpenter was great to work with. It was a pleasure to work on this remake.




Very funny๐Ÿ˜ƒ
I'd be happy to work with Carpenter anyday
Good Movie!


I am on quarantine pretty much. I have two elderly parents, so I'm pretty much staying in as much as possible. I went outside for a quick dash on my bike yesterday for some eggs (because the Chicken Littles at BJs last week on a panic run cleared them all out).


We actually lucked out here, this week is spring break for us. I plan on staying in except for yoga/gym.


My job closed but I'm still getting paid thank God...this mortgage is NO joke!

My wife is an RN so I suspect she's in the danger zone...that is a bit scary

I am unaware of the ins and outs of this bug as I refuse to pay any attention to anything (except the weather and the Sports scores)
Sounds like a bunch of silliness but what do I know, my Dad and my favorite Uncle are just going on and on about it, they wont shush!


Sorry your job closed down but hooray for still getting paid! I never knew your wife is an RN. Yep, she needs to take all precautions but I'm sure she knows all about how to do that ๐Ÿ‘

As you know, I don't watch, read, or listen to the news as a rule. At first I thought it was a bunch of hype. Changed my mind the middle of last week and took the time to get educated. I still avoid anything sensational, panic-inducing, anything like that. Who needs that? I'm a practical sort so just give me the most important, relevant info, and I'm good.


I'm amazed at the panic, you'd think Aliens were attacking us!

My job just issued new rules, big meeting in The Bronx tomorrow...I may bring a crossword puzzle book because I wont be paying any attention to the 'experts' they've invited


Well, it does have the potential to be pretty serious if people don't do what they need to do so we can prevent it from spreading. We sure as hell don't want to be in a situation like Italy. You think people are panicking now, that would be a whole other level of panic none of us wants to see.

Take a wait and see position on the experts. They may have some useful info ๐Ÿ‘. I'm taking any useful info I can get.


This thread.might have 500 million replies In a few months time...

Sorry, a poor joke.

I am.not in quarantine, but with my father being 87 and living a few miles am being extremely careful in my daily life, it virtual quarantine.
