MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is this forum software so weird?

Why is this forum software so weird?

Why doesn't it use standard BBcode? And where did < blockquote > come from? Why not just < quote >? Or better yet, [ quote ] (which is standard BBcode). Strangely, [ quote ] actually works here, but only once per post. If you try to do it more than once in a post, the second, third, etc., ones don't work.

Why aren't there buttons you can click to automatically insert markup tags instead of always having to type them out?

Why isn't there a link to go directly to the latest post in a thread, and/or the function to sort the posts chronologically? After you've read a long thread and someone makes another post in it, you have to skim through the whole thing to find it.

Why isn't there anything that says that a post has been edited, and when it's been edited?

Why is the character limit so small, especially since it's a false limit (i.e., if you edit your post you can exceed the initial limit by quite a bit)? I can't think of any other forum with such a small character limit. It's almost as bad as the character limit that YouTube comments used to have several years ago.

Why isn't there any way to use any text you want for an URL? Standard BBcode for doing this is like []link[/url] which will make the word "link" clickable, and lead to

Why is there no "preview post" function?


ask Jim


No point in doing that. He abandoned that thread immediately after creating it. He didn't reply to a single person on it.


sadly that is true.


Jim doesn't care about MovieChat people!


Why isn't there a link to go directly to the latest post in a thread
HOLY JESUS ON A STICK! Just look under your username.

I would like to add one more weirdness. Links and visited links look the same.


Thanks, I never noticed that before. That sort of link is normally on the main page of a forum. For example, all of the links under the "Latest Posting" column on the old IMDb forums (which this site archived) would take you to the latest post:

The same thing applies to typical phpBB type forum software.

It should still have a way to sort a thread chronologically, so that if several new posts are scattered throughout a long thread, you can easily find them.

Also, why doesn't this forum have strike-through tags so I can cross out the "Why isn't there a link to go directly to the latest post in a thread" from my OP?


I found a way to fix visited links in Firefox. Put this in userContent.css in chrome folder in your profile folder.

@-moz-document domain( {
a:link { color: #001090 !important }
a:visited { color: #a000a0 !important }

In about:config set this to true: toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets.

This shows visited links in different color like in the imdb forums.

There are add-ons to do the same, also for other browsers. Search for "visited link color" add-ons.


One missing feature is favorite/subscribed topics list like imdb had.
