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Schindler’s list vs The Pianist Vs life is beautiful (which movie do you think is the best movie)

why do think that movie is the best or better then the other ones

I feel like when it comes to movies specifically about the holocaust those are the big ones people talk about



Schindler’s List. It’s a masterpiece. Every frame is gorgeous, the story is heartbreaking and important. Every human on the planet should see it. It should be required in every school. The real people at the end, placing the stones on the graves, who lived the horrors, makes it even more relateable.


Every human on the planet should see it. It should be required in every school.

Even more?

Nazis are the official bad guys in modern narrative. Yeap, it's true they massacred Jews. But that same century, Turkey organized three genocides: Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks. And one of them, the Assyrian one, was completely successful (you haven't seen the Assyrians around any more, have you?)... and however they're given a pussy-pass.

The allies killed hundreds of thousands of war prisoners, and I'm talking about common soldiers without political affiliation... but that's OK too. It's the ally pussy-pass.

I'd like to see more sides of the story, and of the history, instead of the very same one with the very same official bad guys repeated again and again.


Schindler’s List although The Pianist is very good.

I’m not really a fan of Life is Beautiful.


Life is beautiful is a very nice movie. But it's not in the same league than Schindler List or The Pianist.


i haven't seen the pianist or life is beautiful, & haven't seen schindler's list since the year it was released. i'm luke warm at best on sl.

so i can't answer that question.

i'm just here to say that i think 'son of saul' is a great film, and i'd rate it as the best holocaust-themed one i've seen. it's grim & brutal, but takes a pretty unique and (i thought) very effective technique in keeping the main character quite tightly in close-up though almost the entire movie. you're often witnessing his reactions rather than viewing atrocities yourself.


Schindler's List


Not a fan of any of them. But if I had to choose, probably The Pianist. Life is Beautiful is a cheap farce with false sentimentality and Schindler's List is a over-sentimental melodrama with caricatures.
