Do you find this offensive?
My friend sent me this. The incident starts at :14.
Are you offended or is this another case of a celebrity being a victim of cancel culture?
My friend sent me this. The incident starts at :14.
Are you offended or is this another case of a celebrity being a victim of cancel culture?
i have never found Jim Carrey even tolerable, or remotely funny. That said, there was nothing offensive about his comment.
"About this let me say that..." - Bob Hawke ex Australian Prime Minister (RIP)
Or was it "About that let me say this..." ?
The problem with cancel culture or whatever they call it, is that outrage is easily faked. Recently Nature magazine received 10k emails in protest to an article they were publishing, but the emails were all fakes and came from one organization. Politicians regularly receive high volumes of protest email and under scrutiny most are fake. Another trick is a fauxporter will write that "people are saying" which might be true although it's a very small number of people.
shareThe human race is awash in an ocean of disinformation.
What ever gets people talking, I guess.