I just watched some videos on YouTube about the dwindling population growth in Japan, and they said how it's depressing and sad and the government does whatever they can to increase it, etc.
However, doesn't we always said that the world has over population problem? That the Earth may not able to support us anymore in the near future?
So what's the problem with Japan's (and other ultra-developed countries) low birth rate anyway? Isn't that actually a good thing? Less people mean less pollution, less mouths to feed, more land and oxygen for nature to thrive?
But why the need to maintain the current population? The population was a lot less in the past and we were fine back then. So why exactly that population has to INCREASE?
Caring for old people is no reason, because with low birth rate it means we're not caring for children. So the money that usually get spent on children (to feed them, school them, etc.) can be repurposed to elderly care. With how expensive raising kids nowadays, I'm pretty sure caring for the elderly would be... cheaper.
Thus they can pay for their old parents' care. Problem solved. So again, why the need to increase the population? What's the drawback of having stagnant or even decreasing population?
People keep saying that but what I want to know is why? Also I meant stagnant or slightly decreasing. We're talking a low birthrate here... not zero. Japan won't disappear anytime soon.
We see this here in Canada with our 10 provinces. The provinces with stagnant or decreasing population have low/no/decreasing economic growth. The provinces with increasing population have the higher economic growth.
Japan will still be occupied - it will just be populated by other people - more than likely the Chinese when Japan no longer has the population to defend itself.
Yeah but why the need for constant neverending economic GROWTH? It's not like Japan is a poor under-developed country. There are many more countries poorer than Japan but survive all right nevertheless.
It's a circling answer. Stagnant population growth leads to stagnant economy growth. Okay, I get it. But why is that bad? The population is already high, economy is also already high. They're not poor. The country is not exactly empty of people. Why is it that it needs to keep growing continously? Forever?
China may or may not invade Japan in the future, who knows. But that's beside the point. There are many many rich developed countries with smaller population and military-wise weaker than Japan and they doesn't get invaded by anyone. Swiss, for instance. Or Singapore. Or New Zealand.
Then they can just repurpose their money that they ought to spend for their children, which they won't spend because they have less to no children anyway, and use it to pay for their parents' care.
I think people are delusional if they think constantly having children is great for society. There will be a time where the world is so overpopulated that people are going to question why something wasn't done earlier. I mean it's not like Japan doesn't have a large enough population to begin with. They'll be fine with a low birthrate.
A low birthrate slows the economy and creates recessions. The better solution would be allowing immigration. Migrants are desperate for a better life and they can become useful taxpaying citizens. That's what German Chancellor Merkel tried re: Germany's falling birthrate, but then their people went nuts over all the nonAryans.
Same situation in the U.S.. Immigration actually raises the GDP and creates jobs because many start their own businesses, but xenophobes are in panic mode.
It would be good for you to shut your racist mouth, because you clearly have no clue what you're talking about. Sure sure, Germans are all a bunch of racists and all immigrants are perfect and law-abiding citizens. Unemployment is higher than in any other group, but of course they make a siginificant financial contribution to society. Uhuh. And the ancient Egyptians were black!🤣🤣🤣
You know nothing about the political situation in Germany. There has been a wave of fascist support because your fellow bigots in Germany have a problem with nonwhite migrants.
"In February 1930, Adolf Hitler was in a jubilant mood. "Our biggest success we had in Thuringia," he wrote. "There we are the most significant party. The parties in Thuringia trying to create a government cannot secure a majority without our co-operation."
Germany may have pledged "never again". But 90 years on, the far right has once again played - albeit briefly - the role of kingmaker in the eastern German state.
Thuringia's AfD - led by a man who can, a German court ruled last year, be reasonably described as a fascist - has caused a political earthquake which has brought thousands of Germans on to the streets in the protest.
Barely a week ago, this country reflected on the atrocities of World War Two, during commemorations to mark the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz.
That the far right has been able to wield such influence, that a mainstream political party accepted its support and that, knowingly or otherwise, Angela Merkel's CDU appeared to align with them is, for many, the source of great shame." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51400153
"Dresden: The German city that declared a 'Nazi emergency'
Dresden is also where the anti-Islam Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West) movement began in 2014, and where it continues to hold rallies." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50266955
I know more about Germany than YOU do. I'm from Europe and live next door. Stop crying about the far right. If you knew ANYTHING about Germany you'd know that the far left doesn't have any better reputation. You'd also know that more people in Germany have died at the hands of immigrant/foreign (and left wing) terrorists than right wing German terrorists. Add to that the fact that immigrants are overrepresented in crime and unemployment stats and it's obvious you're a complete moron to throw it all on right wing racism.
Now stop making a fool of yourself. Remember when you used Dr. Hawass to support your black ancient Egyptians claim even though you called him a RACIST? Or when you tried to prove there were lots of black people in the 17th century French countryside by referencing a code about black people in the French COLONIES? Yeah, you're a moron.
Hey, Mods, why hasn't Keelai's racist rant been deleted? I'm sure it goes against rule number 4 in 'Prohibited Content'.
All you do is spread lies, which I have pointed out again and again, like in my previous post. STOP...MAKING...A...FOOL...OF...YOURSELF...
I know all about German politics, but all you know is racism. Your racist rant went against the rules of the forum and THAT is the reason it should be deleted.
Unlike you I responded to the OP's subject:
"A low birthrate slows the economy and creates recessions. The better solution would be allowing immigration. Migrants are desperate for a better life and they can become useful taxpaying citizens. That's what German Chancellor Merkel tried re: Germany's falling birthrate, but then their people went nuts over all the nonAryans.
Same situation in the U.S.. Immigration actually raises the GDP and creates jobs because many start their own businesses, but xenophobes are in panic mode."
Your rant and trolling response:
"It would be good for you to shut your racist mouth..."
Not once have you addressed the OPs topic. Your angry rants and obsession with me is bizarre behavior. Do you have anything better to do besides following me around this website and picking fights?
Your racist rant about Germans had nothing to do with the OP's subject or the post by samoanjoes that you replied to.
I did in fact address the OP's subject, just not in my reply to you because it would be utterly useless to discuss something like that with a racist moron like you.
And actually, creep, you are the one who followed and harrassed me on the Les Miserables and Lady and the Tramp boards and several threads here on GD like the one about Columbus. I was a regular on this board long before you suddenly popped up. You creepy, moronic, with race obsessed stalker.
I'm pretty sure I have more German ancestry and relatives than you have. Stop assuming you know zip about me. Nobody cares about subjects from years ago which you're obsessing over like a disturbed mental patient.
Keep your comments related to the OP's comments or go away. Stop repeatedly trolling and stalking me! Do us both a favor and put me on ignore.
You saying you have German ancestry is the same as a white supremacist saying some of his friends are black!😆
Your memory sucks, because those things did NOT happen years ago. That Columbus thread was the last time we interacted and YOU were the one who once again harrassed me with falsehoods and racist rants. I see you're doing the same to others here. Follow your own advice and leave ME alone!
Nobody cares about subjects from years ago??? Now that's funny coming from someone who's mission here is to spread the idea that lots and lots of black people lived in Europe and Egypt CENTURIES AGO! Stop it, nobody cares!!! 😆
Like always you don't even get my point because you're too moronic. You supposedly having German ancestry doesn't negate the fact that you're a racist, which you have proven to be time and time again.
Exactly what I was thinking. If you move something, an open spot becomes available. And that's assuming the spot that it moved to is able to sustain it (jobs, housing etc).
Obviously, not everyone in the country leaves. For instance, if a couple has four adult married children then one of them may leave and send money home to support family who still live there.
That happens all the time. Win win for both countries. The host countries get needed skills and labor from migrants and their relatives get financial aid.
I have no idea how you got that from my comment.
I am looking at the big picture
- if you have too many kids (like the " four adult married children")the population expands. That cannot continue indefinately. when "growth" slows there will be a surplus of oldies while the balance redresses.
All the solutions suggestions above are just moving the problem around - either the 'too much growth' problem or the 'too many oldies' problem.
and , like you say , its usually the poor who lose out.
"so who looks after the old people in the immigrants home countries?"
"For instance ..."
"Four adults" was an example so why are you taking it so literally? Obviously, not all people leave a country. The people who don't leave take care of the old people.
if a country has got enough young people to take care of the old people of another country, then that country has too many young people and is contributing to a cycle of unsustainable growth which will result in the "not enough young people" when the uncontrolled population expansion inevitably stops.
I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't say young people. I said not everyone in a country emigrates. It's normal for immigrants to leave for a better life, find a job in their new country and then send money home to their families who remained.
The more developed country is the one more likely to have a population growth issue which is why immigration is a better solution than trying to get people to have more babies.
Oh yeah sure. You're right. Of course you're right. You Must be right. You know me so well!
Wait. You're an obvious idiot so it makes no difference what you think.
Hey when you get a minute...
Whenever you've got a little time...
When you're not doing anything special...
(As if...)
Why don't you...
Good god, you and your psychobabble. Just go back to Politics and quit annoying me.
Yeah, like a... mosquito. Y'know, those teeny, buzzing flying things that get through their mean, insignificant lives by sucking the very life from the more advanced beings around them.
Wow that's so good I'm gonna write it down!
Oh damn I DID write it down!
"Obviously, not everyone in the country leaves. For instance, if a couple has four adult married children then one of them may leave and send money home to support family who still live there.
That happens all the time. Win win for both countries. The host countries get needed skills and labor from migrants and their relatives get financial aid."
"Are your eyes actually connected to your brain?
Forget that. It's doesn't matter because your brain isn't working."
Your response has nothing to do witth the OPs subject. You're only trolling.
You again:
"Oh yeah sure. You're right. Of course you're right. You Must be right. You know me so well!
Wait. You're an obvious idiot so it makes no difference what you think.
Hey when you get a minute...
Whenever you've got a little time...
When you're not doing anything special...
(As if...)
Why don't you...
Kiss my ass.
More trolling. I suggest you grow up. Get the psychological help that you obviously need.
You. Telling me about trolling. God that's rich. Listen are you twelve or something? In case it's not obvious enough, let me be a blatant asshole: Fuck off and quit talking to me. Oh My God are you dense! Piss off you annoying insect!
It has nothing to do with addressing "Low birth rate in mature developed countries"
I find it interesting that I can usually tell the difference between American and foreign conservatives. Most foreigners know how to express themselves in an intelligent fashion and support their opinion or point of view with logical argument and critical thinking skills. We can disagree but the exchange is interesting and educational.
Birthrates will always increase. I'm from Toronto where people keep talking about increasing population and how we should welcome more immigrants but our population has doubled in the last 30 years. The city has become too overcrowded and the average house costs just under $1M because of it. It wasn't even close to that just 10 years ago.
If even half of our population had two children I can only imagine how much worse everything would be in 20 years. And that's just the population of the people who live here, not including any immigrants we would take in that time. We're increasing more than we're dying off.
There are some countries losing population due to low birth rate like Japan, Italy, Spain and Germany. Germany and Italy increased immigration which is why their population recently went up.
There are more people living in California than in the entire country of Canada. You have more room.
And look at California with their constant water droughts where there isn't enough water for the population, the forest fires damaging houses because everything is so close together, the insane housing prices etc. California and New York both have populations bigger than Canada and yet they're extremely expensive to live in.
Less than 200,000 people live in the entire northern half of Canada. It's not about having room. It's about avoiding overpopulation when it's still early enough to control, but also doing our best to preserve our lakes and rivers instead of having people move in and are forced to build communities which risk our natural resources.
"California and New York both have populations bigger than Canada and yet they're extremely expensive to live in."
False equivalence. You're making the assumption that all regions of CA and NY are equally expensive. Only a very few areas are expensive like NYC and LA which is where rich people live and buy investment property. Most areas are cheaper. Also most people in those states don't live in the major cities. They are spread out.
According to your faulty logic, Delhi, India should have very high rents because it has a large population twice the size of NYC and four times the size of LA, but the rents are much cheaper.
"It's about avoiding overpopulation"
You're far from having overpopulation because "Less than 200,000 people live in the entire northern half of Canada."
"The population density for Northern Canada is 0.03 inhabitants per square kilometre."
You can be open-minded and fit at least 1 whole person per square kilometer.
False equivalence. You're making the assumption that all regions of CA and NY are equally expensive
No, but it can get there. When immigrants move to America, no one moves no North Dakota. They move to the big cities. Once they become overpopulated, the nearby cities begin to become more populated. As I said before, the population of Toronto has doubled in 30 years. The surrounding cities aren't any less that way.
According to your faulty logic, Delhi, India should have very high rents because it has a large population twice the size of NYC and four times the size of LA, but the rents are much cheaper.
No offence to India, but no one immigrates to India. These are natural born citizens. They don't worry about immigration. No one talks about diversity of India because there isn't any. I mean, when's the last time you've seen India show up on "best places to live" lists? I also don't recall it showing up on any "safest countries to live in" lists either.
The population density for Northern Canada is 0.03 inhabitants per square kilometre. You can be open-minded and fit at least 1 whole person per square kilometer.
How would one person survive if only one person loved in every square kilometer? And again, there are natural resources there. Creating a society in northern Canada would seriously endanger that. There are even untouchable pieces of land due to treaties with indigenous people. reply share
Manhattan was overpopulated with immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. The rent was still cheap. Today the difference is real estate developers building luxury properties for millionaires to park their money.
"No offence to India, but no one immigrates to India."
Manhattan was overpopulated with immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. The rent was still cheap.
The population of New York decreased in the 80s and 90s. It started an increase in the 00s. It's been extremely expensive the last 15 years.
I know about Modi and his immigration plans. But India also ranks fourth in the world for citizens leaving the country. They currently have 5.4 million immigrants in a country whose population is 1.3B. They're losing more than they're bringing in.
They would survive in the same way the 0.03 person can.
That doesn't mean it's a good things. That doesn't mean they don't struggle. reply share
"I can't get to the link as it's behind a paywall.'
I'm not a subscriber.
I was talking about Manhattan's population in 1910s & 20s. It was much higher than today and many people were crowded into lower Manhattan. The rents were cheap. Eventually many Manhattanites moved to Brooklyn for more space around that time and Manhattan's population dropped while Brooklyn's went up.
It's extremely expensive because of all the $1 million+ dollar luxury condos being built. Like I said, rich people park their money in NYC.
Not all apartments are expensive. There are many apts. with regulated rents. Also not all of NYC has equal rents. It depends on the neighborhood and county, too.
Mumbai's population has been going up for decades. Present population is over 12 million. I'll guarantee that the rent is dirt cheap.
I know there was a real estate boom in Canada with many new apts buildings being constructed. That's when the rents went up. The question is who were the investors and buyers? I googled. Answer:
"Starting in the late 2010s, foreign investment and speculative activity in many of the major cities in Canada caused a boom in the real estate market that lead to a drastic increase in the price of owning and renting a home."
The same thing in NYC and LA. Foreign investors park their money in property. Rich people don't put $1 million in the bank. They buy property with it and then flip it a few years later.
"They would survive in the same way the 0.03 person can.
That doesn't mean it's a good things. That doesn't mean they don't struggle."
You attempted to change the subject. The original point being that there's still room in the Northern region for immigrants.
It was much higher than today and many people were crowded into lower Manhattan. The rents were cheap. Eventually many Manhattanites moved to Brooklyn for more space around that time and Manhattan's population dropped while Brooklyn's went up.
Also the Great Depression. Brooklyn isn't cheap either consider a lot of places there are a dump.
Mumbai's population has been going up for decades. Present population is over 12 million. I'll guarantee that the rent is dirt cheap.
Mumbai is home to some of the richest people in the world and has the highest average in India. They can afford it. The problem is that there is a huge divide between rich and poor because of it.
I know there was a real estate boom in Canada with many new apts buildings being constructed. That's when the rents went up. The question is who were the investors and buyers?Â
Is it just buyers though? If you look at the top ten most expensive cities in Canada, the first 9 are in highly populated areas and some cities also have high populated areas nearby. 7 of them are capital cities of their province and that's not including Ottawa which is the capital city of Canada. The only city that didn't have a high population was ravaged and destroyed by forest fires a few years ago.
You attempted to change the subject. The original point being that there's still room in the Northern region for immigrants.
As I said, it's not about room. There are no jobs there, no hospitals, no public transportation and it's all native land where our treaties state that it's protected land.
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I'm not saying population growth has nothing to do with rent increases. It does. But not the type of insane rent and real estate prices that speculators bring with their deep pockets.
Real estate investors are building luxury apartments in Brooklyn trying to change it into another Manhattan. They move into a bad area, rebrand it as trendy and up-and-coming, then charge 3x the rent or min. $1 million for a property. Celebrities and other rich people believe it's a hip place to live.
Housing is going to be more expensive in larger cities rather than smaller ones or rural areas since rich people want to live in specific areas and higher paying jobs are in those areas.
How many rich foreigners want to live in Mumbai? That limits the prospects for luxury property development. It helps keep apartments for common folk reasonable.
I went to Montreal many years ago and was bummed out about how cheap the rent was compared to where I live. Later I read about the real estate boom and that's when the prices began to skyrocket. I was hoping to move there one day if it doesn't become overdeveloped.
It helps that the Northern region is in an area that's really cold therefore not attractive to people who would steal it or immigrate.
From 1981 to 2017 the population increased by 1 million. It increased by 4 million from the 1920s to 1980. They've always had a slow birthrate. Also a lot of people left Greece because of all their financial situations.
It's decreasing - younger people are leaving and the country won't be able to afford the welfare state for the older people (unless the EU intervenes). You should be thankful to live in a country (Canada) where people want to move to.
I'm talking about natural birthrate. I'm saying that people will always be having kids, and those who do have kids usually have more than one. Greece will be fine with population. I can understand the argument of low population if people are leaving if there is unrest in a country or money issues like Greece.
That's where immigration would be great. However it's still unknown how many children the children now will be having in the future. The country needs to work on their financial situation first.
I've heard it called an upside down family tree, inverted family tree, reverse family tree, where instead of spreading out like you would expect, it gets narrower.
"So what's the problem with Japan's (and other ultra-developed countries) low birth rate anyway? Isn't that actually a good thing? Less people mean less pollution, less mouths to feed, more land and oxygen for nature to thrive?
I was asking. You know, with the question marks and everything. I have never stated things like "unlimited births isn't practical in the long run."
What I curious about is that people always say that we have overpopulation problem. The nature is ransacked by us humans. The sea is polluted, etc.
But on the other hand, low birth rate is inexplicably seen as a bad thing. That it's a problem. And the governments are doing whatever they can to fix it, i.e., increasing their birth rate, etc.
That looks, at least to me, like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Oh no, we have too many people! Think of the nature! Oh no, we have low birth rate! Please increase the babies!
Governments want increased births. Like other posters stated, it's tied to a growing economy. But, you really only need more people which can be done through immigration instead of births.
The world's population will peak at 9 billion around 2100. By then China, India and Africa will have more developed economies. The more developed the economy - the lower the birth rate. We can handle 9 billion people.
Will they? They have the largest populations in the world right now, why aren't their economies the most developed in the world?
Maybe we can handle 9 billion spread out over the entire planet, but not only in concentrated areas. Have you seen the current quality of life in those countries?More people is going to improve that how exactly?
They do have the highest economic growths rates in the world but there are other issues at play. Political reform is certainly needed in China and Africa. Eventually they will create a middle class and this middle class will have less children and will demand political reform.
Yeah, so a large population doesn't automatically mean a large economy. That's a lot of speculation right there about what MIGHT happen. Wait, less children? I thought economies needed MORE children?
Lots of economists are realizing that trying to achieve as much growth as possible is not a realistic or desirable goal.
Overpopulation is problematic also. You need a good balance. Underpopulation is definitely a problem too though especially in developed nations where people are now living longer than ever. If you could magically flick a switch and move all these young Africans to Japan and Greece, there obviously wouldn´t be a labour problem but Immigration is just another can of worms.
Obviously there would be a better distribution of wealth as a country develops. This is where political stability comes in. Canada and Russia have about the same size economies but we do a better job of redistributing wealth mainly through a better political and legal system.
I noticed Holland will increase the retirement age to 67 by 2022 and your unemployment rate is low at 3.5%. So your country is already starting to cut back on benefits for the elderly. I would bet most business groups are complaining about labor shortages. Just a guess with such a low unemployment rate and birth rate.
With improved health care and higher life expectancy I don't see why that's necessarily a problem. But if business groups are complaining about labor shortages, why aren't they hiring immigrants and young people, groups that have high unemployment rates???
Like I said, it's time to drop this idea of indefinite growth.
Improved health care and higher life expectancy is not a problem but it's expensive. The health care system in Ontario is under huge pressure as the population ages.
The youth unemployment rate in Holland is 6.7% which is very good when compared to Canada's.
The reasons for having children have changed dramatically over the last 100 years or so. Children worked on farms or family businesses. Children supported their aging parents. Children were mostly a net economic benefit to the parent.
In developed countries having children now is a very expensive affair, though less so for the underclass. This is why you see a couple that can afford children having a dog instead, and people in the lower classes having many kids: for them it is a net economic benefit.
Also, when the government says it will take care of you in old age, via social security, subsidized housing, and other programs, the need to have kids to take care of you goes away.
The last part of your comment is ridiculous. You need a young population to work regardless of what government policy is. Houses don´t build/maintain themselves. Money is meaningless unless there are people young and healthy enough around to perform the labour.
"the need to have kids to take care of you" is certainly different than the need of a society in general to have children.
I've never met a person who said they wanted to have children so that said children would build infrastructure. People have more personal reasons for wanting to have children.
The problem is not "kids taking care of their parents". Its the need for a young workforce to sustain an aging population. Extreme scenario. If 90% of the population is over 50. You better believe there is a huge problem.
Of course! That is the cycle of life - the young taking care of the old. But some, if not all, first world countries have disincentivized couples from having children, hence the low birth rate. One factor is a Ponzi-Scheme-like, unsustainable social security system. (I don't need kids to take care of me in my old age.)
This will make people mad, but it's true. People with developed countries are likely either superior intellectually, culturally (how they think), or both. The US has a diverse population and so our advancement is due to how our culture makes us think about life.
Some types of people have a lot of children and they have a careless culture. They don't care about who is taking care of the kids, parents don't stick with their kids, and so they are like some kind of animal. Not sure if this is thinking or due to animal like genetics.
But, it could easily be seen as a horrible shame if a byproduct of complex living is the lack of desire, or opportunity, to have kids. Meanwhile, animal people are multiplying thus ensuring the fate of the world will be vast populations of either genetic or cultural idiots.