MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Indian family leaving Australia for Cana...

Indian family leaving Australia for Canada because of better prospects.

Wow, I hope this catches on big time !


The Indian community have created a lot of wealth in Canada. They work hard.


Except for my neighbour. Lazy bastards.


The Indian community have created a lot of wealth in Canada. They work hard.

Working hard is necessary, but it's far from enough to create wealth. Indians work hard in India too. In Europe, the countries where people work the most hours are Greece and Spain. No kidding.

You want to create wealth? You need people that are professional and meritocratic as a core value. You need people that are non-selfish, polite and collaborative, BUT at the same time very assertive and highly demanding about professionalism and a work properly done. You need people highly ordered and able to respect contracts as a core value. If they just obey the law, that's good, but not enough.

Germany is not wealthy because Germans work hard, but because they work as a perfect clockwork mechanism. It's not about working harder, but about working more efficiently individually and as a group. They have a proverb: "lazy people are busy in the evening".


I have seen numerous people come to Canada and work seven days a week at two different jobs and end up within a few years owing a $800,000 house in the suburbs and owning nice cars and their kids go to University. Hard work can pay off.


You can do the same in Australia. But it seems this couple thought that they would be granted everything they wanted just because they are immigrants.

They will probably have the same issue in Canada.


The only people who can succeed that spectacularly that quickly for the most part are the unscrupulous types who should be banged up in jail for their dodgy business practices. People who live by the "there's a sucker born every minute maxim". I am with Jesus on this one and I would see them driven out of the Temple.


not all immigrants are criminals.


I didn't say that they were but thanks for pointing out the bleeding obvious while ducking the issue at the same time.


Most immigrants to Canada do well without resorting to dodgy business practices and unscrupulous behavior.


Again you state the bleeding obvious as though you are saying something profound. Although how you actually know that for a fact is another question.


I have seen numerous people come to Canada and work seven days a week at two different jobs and end up within a few years owing a $800,000 house in the suburbs and owning nice cars and their kids go to University. Hard work can pay off.

Then make you a very simple question: why isn't India as rich as US?

Many western people think that the problem in third-world countries is that people aren't able to work hard. That's bullshit. People can work hard if they have the right incentive.

I already told you in my previous comment: Greeks work more hours per week than Germans, how is it possible that Greece is not one the richest countries in the EU? Mexicans work more hours per week than Americans, how is it possible that Mexico is not richer than US? Think about that.


Hope what catches on?




Be specific. What is "this"?


"This" is anything that reverses multi-culturalism. Of course it would be far better if they returned to India rather than going to Canada.


So you believe in segregating cultures? Are you an American? That goes against what America stands for.


I am Australian of Irish, Scottish, English and a small amount of Native American descent.

The proponents of mutli-culturalism claim that it increases diversity. I think that it does nothing of the kind except at the most superficial level, you might say in the way that a wrecking ball increases "diversity".

The ultimate outcome of total globalization and maximum multi-culturalism would be to eliminate diversity altogether and destroy culture by a process of dilution, ( I am talking about deep culture here not sport and pop music ). It takes a lot of time and a fair degree of isolation to create true diversity and complex, unique cultures.

I am not against a certain amount of mixing and cross pollination but it should be kept to a small percentage of the total population, say about ten percent.


I love diversity.


Have you ever declined to move into a building or a neighborhood because there weren't enough black people?


Of course not.


so you would pass anti-miscegenation laws??


Well if immigration was capped at ten percent of the total population that wouldn't be necessary. And really you can't force people to do what they don't want to do unless you are willing to behave like a Nazi...


Yes we've seen how many millions die when Socialists like the Nazi's, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot.

Bad stuff that Left wing way of thinking.


Reversing multi-culturalism that has to be done sooner or later, voluntarily or not.

And the sooner, the better.


You're fighting against the tide. This is just a natural progression. Humans have always been migratory. There will be bumps along the way. Growing pains.

Your kind was against integration in the 50s and 60s. Against mixed marriage as well. How do those philosophies look now? As bad as the philosophy you are espousing. It's racist and it's disgusting. Shame on you.


Churchill was fighting against the tide prior to WW2 but he wasn't wrong. And if wholesale mixing and merging of human populations was a natural progression why were human populations so separate and distinct up until the end of WW2 ?

And there is nothing "racist" or disgusting about wanting to preserve the true diversity of human populations and cultures by allowing them to remain largely separate instead of being merged by force due to the actions of a powerful minority namely big business and their paid for politicians.


I think you would see that travel for leisure increased after WW2. It's a lot easier to move to a different continent now.


it's called airplanes.


And if wholesale mixing and merging of human populations was a natural progression why were human populations so separate and distinct up until the end of WW2 ?

Separate and distinct until widespread European colonization, not the frigging war. Let's not rewrite history to suit ourselves.


But people were engaged in large scale migration throughout human history. They were hunter gatherers and later herders, always on the move as they chased game and pasture. And though there was some mixing they stayed intact as distinct and separate peoples. So no rewriting of history and no suiting myself.


The Indian Meghan and Harry!


How is that even a news story?


Awwww poor country shoppers, lets hope they succeed in Canada or else they might have to look back to India for a place to prosper.


So a political post will be canned light-speed but race baiting shit like this is ok?

Seems fair.


Well I had a post here deleted by a Mod a few days ago because it was judged to be political. But you have to cut the Mods some slack because it's not always clear what is political and what isn't. For instance what about Harry and Meghan, are threads about them political ? Some would say yes and some would say no.

As for your anti freedom of speech posturing grow up !


Ah no, I'll say what I want, just like you.
