Entertainment world affecting by rich china people
I'm seek for a professional help
This includes many movie stars
Yes Im telling about I knew all the reason
Why many popular Western film
Some of their scene are so weird...
Make no-sense...
There's some powerful/rich people try put their personal idea/habit to western entertainment
For example :
it chapter 2 2019 you know why McAvoy can't talk to people correctly
In film?
Because in reality
I always stutter on my words when I get nervous/angry.
Yes Chinese Spy my internet 24/7
Spy my house 24/7
They want write me "into" many western film.
Its a joke
They just copy the shining 1980 kubricks idea.
If someone really want into my situation
THIS IS A CHANCE TO STOP MANY Weird Stuff THAT should BE cut in first place.
Plz Start read this neogaf banned acc termos's post
Awaiting help
This may change Oscar 2020 picture awards....
We are running out of time.