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Longest take in a movie?

Anybody know what the longest take in a movie ever was? Was there ever an entire movie that was filmed in just one take? It obviously would have had to have been improvised, without any scripted dialogue to flub, but it would still be impressive nonetheless.


A 2002 Russian film called Russian Ark (Русский ковчег) was recorded entirely using a one-take single 96-minute Steadicam sequence shot.


Not trying to one up you here because you gave a good example, but there is a 2015 German film called Victoria that is one shot that clocks in at 2hrs 18 min. I'm not sure if it's the longest of all time though.


I'm not even mad.... that's impressive!


It's a great film too.


You have several movies taken in one single shot. Rope from Hitchcock is the classic one, but there's a few ones like that.



It obviously would have had to have been improvised, without any scripted dialogue to flub, but it would still be impressive nonetheless.

Well ,you know, people in the theatre (thats theatre in the proper sense , not the cinema) do that twice a day everyday.


Yeah but it's still different with moving cameras, edits, and whatnot. I was thinking about it more from a behind the scenes aspect than from an actor's POV. But yeah, stage and theater actors are definitely under more pressure.


2001: A Space Odessy was over three hours long!



No according to Mad Magazine it was ' 201 minutes of a Space Idiocy '.



I believe Silent House 2011 with Elizabeth Olsen had one really long take. IMDB says it was shot in several 10 minute takes then carefully edited to look like one.


I think 1917 is made to look like one continuous take, but of course it's not actually. They can make it look seamless with modern technology.


Are we talking an unbroken take? I'm not super familiar with film lingo so I don't know if unbroken is implied.

I remember there is an unbroken scene in Children of Men that was talked up at the time because of the complexity of it.


Saving Private Ryan
