MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I still don't agree with gay marriage

I still don't agree with gay marriage

I'll always see marriage as the union of a man and a woman. And I have a right to that view. That's how it was for me growing up and hundreds of years beforehand. Why should I be made to feel bad about that? Called names like 'bigot' or slurs about my own sexuality?

Yes, the times do change, doesn't mean I have to agree with everything or view everything as justice or correction of inequities etc.



How are you feeling today?


You dont get to decide for anyone else.


No, but just because marriage has been redefined, without my consent, I don't have to change my mind on what marriage is.


Thankfully, you've been overruled.


I am just wondering when a marriage between 3 or more people will be approved.


Marriage is between two people whether or not they are straight, gay, bisexual, transsexual or whatever. It's nobody elses business. It doesn't matter if you agree or not.


It doesn't matter if you agree who marriage is meant for since it's not your "business" either


"I'll always see marriage as the union of a man and a woman."

Why? There have been gay people for as long as humans have existed and societal attitude have varied over time and place. You're entitled to your opinion, but being against something because you weren't exposed to it growing up seems narrow minded. I certainly don't think you're a biggot, but I don't understand how you can be against the happiness of others, especially when it doesn't even affect you.


"I don't understand how you can be against the happiness of others, especially when it doesn't even affect you."



It does affect others, not that people care about what affects others


How does it affect you, and the OP? Which people marry or don't marry have not a thing to do with your life, or mine.


Because Miss Catbrooks
.. if you see my reply to sslssg just now, it might answer your question.The point is: it's not always what affects YOU and YOUR life.




I believe in the biological underpinning of marriage, the joining of the sexes.


I believe in the biological underpinning of marriage, the joining of the sexes.


Great, so you can biologically underpin all you like, and others can do as they like 👍


And what happens when someone goes against that belief? What's the problem?


Do you agree that same sex couples should be allowed the same rights as couples of the opposite sex? Regardless of the what you call a union?

I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say

doesn't mean I have to agree with everything or view everything as justice or correction of inequities etc.

It wasn't until 1929 that women were declare "persons" under Canadian law. So would you think that if you were alive at that time that you would always see women as non persons and no one could change your mind?


Womens' suffrage pertained to women's tangible civil rights, not the intangible topic of the family structure. Equal rights does not apply to marriage between homosexuals--who are equal but different, nor "non-persons". It started with couples living together , not marrying and having children-- and now to gay marriage with adopted children. Why do you think there are two sexes, just some evolutionary circumstance with no other purpose aside from sex/procreation? We don't know that.

Citing how well the children are raised is a tangent, not at the core of the issue. It's not about how well they literally treat their children, since both heteros/ homosexuals can do harm or good. It's how impressionable children interpret what they see and hear on an innate-level, instead of them choosing their beliefs when they are mature. And by all means, don't bother considering what the children have to experience from society when they explain having 2 mothers or 2 fathers; that's society's problem because we need to "progress", of course. There have been many blunders in history because society thought it was progressing.

And when it serves people, the "law" goes out the window as being unjust; typical hypocrisy. The only thing I am hearing is ultimate self-entitlement masquerading as "equal/civil rights". If we all did whatever we wanted without considering the impact and message it sends to society at large, we'd be in worse shape than we already are. Everything that is traditional is not antiquated.


I'm not sure that I agree that how well the children are raised is a tangent. I think it's very core. I don't really understand how this would affect what these children believe when they grow up. I certainly came to believe many things differently than my parents do.

Also, children have to experience many negative things from society no matter who their parents are. Why should they have to explain anything? It's a simple "these are my parents". I think that lays more on the parents of children who are taught not to accept those who are different from themselves.

Who decided what marriage is? Marriage goes back many millennia and it has been seen differently in different places around the world. Even within Christianity there are different standards for marriage. How does that affect you?


I meant "tangent" since the core of the topic is the marriage itself with children being a result from the marriage. You said you're on the side of science and facts. So you must not believe transsexualism is a truism , since science (DNA) refutes it. Or is this where we flip-flop on "science", so people can have it both ways.

And when people keep saying and asking how it affects me, it tells me they are not getting the bigger picture. Something does not need to directly affect me personally throughout the course of my day; I am not just concerned about my-self. We are speaking about the affect it has on society as a whole. I could just as easily ask how gun control personally affects you, when it may not. Or how climate control affects you, when it may not. Why debate anything then, if it does not affect you personally. And going back centuries to debate what marriage was like is not now. You don't really wish to live as things were 5000 yrs ago, I wouldn't think.

This calls for more blunt talk: regardless if it's a happy=peppy household, children will indeed be watching their gay parents being intimate on some level. There is nothing abnormal with homosexuality, but the children are being conditioned to something they do not understand. And yes, they have to understand that homosexuality is not the norm in society. It does not need to be the norm for consenting homosexual adults, but children are not adults. Children will then go into the world with notions that do not coincide with the cold hard truth that awaits them in society. Some things come with limitations, and it's arrogant and narcissistic to not care or deny it. People today are living in some fantasy-land where they expect (or demand) that everything is spread all nice & evenly. That is not the real world (it never has been and never will be)

People need to get some perspective: homosexuality is still not accepted by all of society (or downright condemned), much less expecting gay marriage. It's moving way too fast

This topic is like trying to define the word "innate".


You haven't answered what effect it actually has on society.

I also do not know that science refutes transexualism. Knowing that there are reptiles who change sex when needed says to me that there us an element in nature that requires it. How that fits into human DNA I dont know as I'm not a geneticist and maybe it doesn't. But because it exists elsewhere in nature I cannot agree that it's a complete non issue. There is also a large number of people who are born intersex. If that is something which we can observe physically, why is so difficult to fathom chemically.

I will also say that children will figure out pretty early that their family is not the norm in society. There are more than just same sex families that are unconventional. Do you feel the same way about interracial marriages? Or what about a child who is not the same colour as their parents? These children will have similar obstacles to face.

Also it seems, and I could be mistaken, that you are implying that children raised by same sex couples are being conditioned to be homosexual?


To answer, I understand the comparison you are making with unconventional families (though I don't feel it's the same). I didn't mean to imply that the children are being conditioned as in "recruited". I tried to convey what effect is has on society, but..

For what it's worth, you're one of the nicer tactful posters on the site, who takes time listening, with something interesting to say.


Thank you 😊 that means a lot. I don't think that we can move forward or learn anything from each other if we are just shouting. Civilized discourse is really lacking in so many places. I really would like to treat people with kindness as there is so much hate in this world. I try.


I think straight people have done more than enough damage to the institution of marriage.


Well said


So what’s your intention in starting this thread?


No, I think it’s only fair that gay people should have the chance to experience the same abject misery that straight guys feel 🤪
