MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Did anyone else watch ' His Dark Materia...

Did anyone else watch ' His Dark Materials ' first episode ?

And if so what did you think of it ? For me it was half and half. I half liked it and I half didn't.

For the most part it looked good except for the airships ( one of them appeared to be made out of an industrial freezer ) and the alethiometer looked very much like it was the bottom-of-the-range model.

Dafne Keen ( Lyra ) and Ruth Wilson ( Marisa Coulter ) were both very good in their roles. I thought James McAvoy was miscast as Lord Asriel though, he just doesn't look or behave like an aristocrat.

The Gyptians were oh so politically correct in their multi-culturalism and proud to be strong with their we are all one celebrating open borders propaganda. And Lord Asriel loudly proclaiming that " Everyone is special ! " was especially irritating.



Philip Pullman isn't really my cup of tea.
