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Scorsese is right, superhero movies are garbage

I’m so fucking sick of that trash being shitted out 3-4 at a time, it’s like idiocracy. These films have literally overtaken cinema.

Yeah I know I don’t have to watch them, that’s not the problem. You can’t avoid the massive marketing campaigns and nonstop hype and chatter on social media and message boards, like shut the fuck up already about this crap! It’s not that god damned interesting!! The acting, dialogue and screenplays are so juvenile and simplistic. I’m tired of constantly being reminded that people are idiots who have no appreciation or understanding of the art of cinema and that pop culture is complete shit. It’s not elitist it’s objective fact that none of those movies comes close to the quality and depth of his films. He is a legend and has earned every right to speak up on something that needs to be addressed.


They are made in excess and some of them are pure trash, but that's film in general. This was the truth before the superhero genre became a big thing - you would get a lot of garbage films mixed in with a lot of average films and there would be a few gems here and there. Guess what? A lot of those gems were superhero films because, when they were being made as a niche thing, they were being done well. Yes, there are too many being made now. However, they're not all bad - some are quite good.

Scorsese is probably the most overrated director ever. I don't enjoy the majority of his films, so to call him a legend is far from my opinion. He has every right to speak up because he's a person, and we're all entitled to our opinions. But that doesn't make him right or wrong, as opinions are not facts. The only reason he can say what he's said and get away with it unscathed, despite the huge popularity of superhero films, is because of how overrated he is.


How is he overrated?


You've called him a legend, for one. What has he done that's legendary?


3 films in the AFI Top 100? An Oscar win and too many Oscar nominations to list?

You may not like him. You may not think he deserves that status. But it's indeed a fact that he is a legend.


Those things don't make him a legend in my book, especially not the Oscar win or nominations.


Yeah, your book. And that's fine -- but that does not obliterate the fact that he has indeed attained that status. You're acting like so many just happened to pick this director's name out of a hat and then decided to "overrate" him. That's not what happened. You're pretending that these people who are replying to his comments are biting their tongues about his work b/c they secretly feel as you do. That's not the case. The praise of his work and its influence on others has been on the record long before his CBM comments.

I don't like Hitchcock nearly as much as others -- but I can't pretend that he's not a legendary director. That's an indisputable fact.


I'm not pretending anything. If anything, I'm pretty sure most would disagree with me and I'm okay with that. And here's the thing, I don't think Scorsese is a bad director. I think his films are quite well made. I stand by what I stated earlier, which is that I don't enjoy most of his films, and I would add that I don't find his work particularly re-watchable. However, when it comes to his status, I still think he's overrated, and hasn't earned it entirely through his work alone.

Think of Meryl Streep, for example. Has been nominated for a bunch of Oscars, won a few. Lots of people don't get the hype and say as much. But you won't hear as many people speak ill of Scorsese in the same way - even people not that familiar with his work will defend him just because of his reputation. Guess what? No one is above critique. And even if I were to concede that he is a legend, which I don't think he is, it doesn't change the fact he can be wrong. And in this case, he's at least wrong in part.


I couldn't disagree more about your Streep comments. She's reached that status as well b/c of her work and critical acclaim. I always hear that -- even more than Scorsese praise b/c actors always have a higher profile. You might be confusing this with people who don't like her politics. She gets attacked for that. "Great actress but..." or "Stick to acting and shut up about..."

And I don't see your argument about being wrong "in part". You can critique all you want. I can do the same with Hitchcock and give reasons much more specific than what you say about Scorsese. But neither removes the legendary status that both have attained. Your argument amounts to "I don't think so" and some phonies defend him, so that makes his legendary status "wrong in part"? That doesn't follow. He reached it without you or them. He didn't need you or them to get there. Just like Hitchcock didn't need my assessment. You say "defend him just because of his reputation". How did he get that reputation?? Why do phonies pick him to defend? Phonies co-opting a legend doesn't tear down that legend in part. They know that people -- who know more than they do -- think he's a legend, so they agree with little firsthand knowledge. They wouldn't bother with a different director. They figured out which way the wind was already blowing. It starts within the industry and through critical acclaim, and it didn't start at all for nearly all other directors. He made the list that way. Phonies know who's on the list and that's why they choose to agree. They want to sound like they know something.

Citizen Kane reached a status as a top film of all time. It didn't get there b/c of the praise of phonies who say they love it when they might not have even seen it. Phonies praise it b/c they know it's already considered to be a top film by people with actual knowledge of the craft. It doesn't become less of a film with every poseur who decides to agree.




I agree MovieBuff224. Scorsese was spot on.


you keep forgetting that 90% of humanity is stupid, they love this type of shit, and trust me, it will get worse,this is just the beginning


I know, sucks


Superhero movies are so played out. The last superhero flick I enjoyed was The Dark Knight. But that was only because of Heath Ledger's role as The Joker.


Some superhero flicks are absolutely great, but most are nothing more than mediocre fun popcorn movies and there is nothing wrong with that, especially if loads of people are going to see them. I think it's hard to avoid any mass marketing for blockbuster franchises, I mean look at Star Wars, it's everywhere. The same could be said about LOTR, Harry Potter, or Pirates of the Caribbean films when those were being put out in terms of marketing.

Scorsese has every right to criticize, just like anyone else that goes and pays for a movie. I agree that the vast majority of superhero flicks are not great cinema, but there are a few gems. Personally I haven't enjoyed the last few Scorsese movies, but hopefully the Irishman is good.


What can be said? People need Heroes to look up to. There is nothing like larger than life figures that captivate us when we're feeling jaded. With so many of them out there, you get to pick and choose what you want to watch and what you don't.

The big complaint here would apply to any one genre dominating the box office, not because it is super hero, but due to the lack of variety and chance-taking within the film industry (mainstream one at least).



That’s the point obv, no one cares about any one genre of movie being made it’s their dominance over the industry and interference with much better quality movies being made.


It’s totally awesome to love or hate super hero movies. I personally think that most of them are complete monkey shit starring assholes, but there is a healthy pile of superhero films that I adore.
But if you are going to argue about Martin Scorsese’s value as a filmmaker then you are an absolute fucking ignorant fool and not worth having a discussion about film with.
Overrated, not your style, don’t get it, whatever; I can totally understand where you might be coming from.But if you say that he’s a “terrible” film maker and “hasn’t done anything”, or “he only made one good film” then you’re fucking dumb. Fuck you


Who said Scorsese was overrated or terrible?


Some moron on these boards


You can almost say that there is too much freedom for filmmakers nowadays and not enough limitations, ironically, to hold them back by forcing them to be more creative. The tech out there now allows the editors to add or take away anything they want. This gives a lot of wiggle room to work with. At the same time, however, there's no clearly defined choices since nothing is narrowed down.



I do love superhero movie so much but I have to agree with the lack of variety not variety of superheroes but variety of films.

There should more than one genre in theaters, today it’s either you for superheroes or dramas. There are very few comedies right now or romantic comedies.

If you don’t like either you rarely go to the movies now

I adore my superheroes and rarely miss one in theaters but I love Rom coms too and I miss them.

though I want to make it clear don’t blame superheroes for that, the genre started to get boring and stale.they were repeating themselves too much.

The writers of that genre ran out of ideas so it’s normal it started to go down but hey instead we have been getting some pretty good musicals or music biopics like Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsoody.


Yeah, a lot of big-name actors have made their way to TV, creating a new golden age outside the silver screen. Hopefully with Universal's success of Good Boys (2019), being made on a budget of less than 100 million dollars but still given a wide theatrical release, Studios will begin to cater again to moderate budget - high profit margin productions. Universal, or rather Comcast, who is the owner, is getting tired of having only one big movie franchise in the Fast & Furious series. Good things come to those who wait.



You literally used "literally" incorrectly.
