MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you fear death?

Do you fear death?

I think all we can do is make the most of all the time we have on earth and be happy.


I'm not afraid of death. Sometimes I find it depressing as I don't believe in an afterlife, but death itself is inevitable. I am a little afraid of losing other people because I will have to live without them.


No, but I hope I’m at the end of whatever box set I’m watching at the time.


In Russia death fears you !


not really. i didn't mind not being alive before i was born, & i don't think i'll mind not being alive once i'm dead.

i definitely do worry about being old & broke, or old & crazy, or old & feeble with no one to help me. that i worry about quite a bit.


"i definitely do worry about being old & broke, or old & crazy, or old & feeble with no one to help me. that i worry about quite a bit."

Yeah, me too. I'm the healthiest one among my family and friends and they like to tease me I'll be the last one standing (or laying) but it just fills me with fear.


It depends on how old and sick a person gets. I have seen people welcome death because of illness.




As others said:
1. I fear losing my loved ones
2. I fear dying in a way that leaves me some (but little) time to face the fact. In a fatal car crash for example.
"OMG I'm going to die now! NOOO!" *dies
So I'd prefer either slowly fading, and having time to come to terms with it, or going out without knowing about it (during sleep, etc.)


I worry about losing people although I've already lost a bundle too soon.
My parents...several close friends..plane crashes, car wrecks, cancer, bad genes..

I worry about more about how it might happen than if it will happen.
I hope that it's sudden and not of the wasting away variety...And afterward?
Well, it is what it is.
Sometimes I think the dead have all the secrets and I'm jealous that they know everything I can only wonder about.
As it is we should concentrate on the now because that's all we really have..
