How good are you at accepting or adapting
to new things? For instance, I think Beyond Meat is a very cool new thing, but it hurts the interests of cattle farmers.
shareto new things? For instance, I think Beyond Meat is a very cool new thing, but it hurts the interests of cattle farmers.
shareI think Beyond Meat is part of the world global conspiracy meant to bring us to destruction. Now as to your question about accepting and adapting. Maybe I could use some work...
I have been meaning to try a Beyond Meat burger.
shareDon't worry. There will always be a market for quality beef from small, sustainable farms. I don't think its a threat to the ranchers and could care less if this product cuts into the business of the factory farms. Its an insanely cruel industry.
With that said, I think its an excellent product. Its freaky how close it taste to the real thing.
Moderately good.
And I'd bet any amount of money that if these passable meat substitutes become significantly cheaper than meat, they will be substituted for meat in processed foods, no matter what the label says. As long as the fines for mislabeling products is smaller than the profits made from substitution, the magic of the free market will favor the substitutes.
I agree, it is a good thing.
shareI'm not sure it's a good thing from a nutritional point of view.
shareIt's the first step on the slippery slope to "soylent green"...
I guess it depends on what it is.
I'm not on the plant based meat substitute train. They don't seem to be any less significant calories, are a highly processed food which we know is not healthy in at least other foods, and to coincide with the latter, I'm not sure if we know the long term effects of these genetically modified ingredients on our bodies.
Maybe this isn't what you are going for, but I hate when I work hard at a job, really put my heart into it, never hear anything particularly bad, then suddenly a new supervisor shows up and immediately they want you to do things differently. It always seems like it's ego driven and not done gently.
As far as Beyond Meat, I support it in the abstract and wouldn't mind trying it under the right circumstances, but this old dog probably won't learn this new trick. I don't necessarily crave beef, but I can get it at decent price points and it's what I'm used to.