MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Post an original poem

Post an original poem

Just for fun, post an original poem (written by you):

"The Journey" (an original poem by Allaby)

Did you stop to count the cost,
before everything was lost?
And was it a beautiful, scary ride,
With the ones you loved by your side?
Did you wake from your dreams?
Was reality as strange as it seems?
Have we won it all,
Or did we watch it fall?
Grasping for something to hold,
Seeking warmth in the coldest cold.
What does it all mean?
What have you seen?
Take a deep breath,
Live life now until death.


I slowly approach the parc
I am a Dog, I was suppose to bark
Words from within cuz I wrote to heart

then I broke the parts and I rose from the dark and I came in the light as I’m holding the art keeping it alive, as I blaze in the night
My friends, We approach the start.


Good job.


Let’s call this one “Lost Friendship”

I’m sorry but I replaced you
buy a fake Jew
who can spit bars and bake too
The only difference; he doesn’t bite me like a snake do
When I left you I had a breakthrough:
Leave the dude you love the most and become hate proof
Me and you we did all we can do
You got nothing more to get from me and me from you
I tried to think about our accomplishments and found nothing there.
Now things are rather simple like a fucking square

You got the skills, you’re just too blind to see. You got flow like a river you just need to find the sea

I aim for greatness so that’s why we chose to part. I got away from the light came really close to dark but I refused to stay silent that’s why this dog chose to bark. I might be far behind but all I hope is to start. Start a new life with a new heart.


Very good.


There was a perverse beauty in the cunning way you silently seeped into my being. You greedily gnawed away at my soul like a dirty nocturnal scavenger.

The repugnant stench of infection invaded my breathing. I cannot find a strong enough antiseptic to thwart this mental malady.

How sophomoric of me to benevolently believe I was able to elude this gangrene. My wits have effortlessly evaded me to the contrived constraints of...jealousy.


Very well written, nice job.


Thank you. :)


Tyrone Power
Pees in the shower !
Maureen O'Sullivan
Swallows all her bubblegum !
George Clooney
Another lefty loony !
Brad Pitt
Ain't worth squat !
Angelina Jolie
Holey Moley !


April is rain,
Oh what a pain.
Look over there at that great dane!


Darn, others have put in much more effort than I have. Give me an hour and I'll try to think of something better!


I saw a bee
landing on my knee
but it didn't sting me
I was full of glee





better than yours.


Not a lot of rhyme variation. And at least I did a funny parody!

Now stop distracting me, I'm trying to write a new poem!



With Judy old Metro was smitten,
She sang and she purred like a kitten.

She then said, "I quit!"
And, threw a small fit.

By "Leo the Lion" she'd been bitten!


Old Norma, a comeback she sought,
For money, thought Joe could be bought.

She needed him so,
But, he wanted to go.

So, she shot him and was overwrought!


The mic is what Old Norma hated.
She met Joe and was simply elated.

They mixed business with sex,
And, the old girl got vexed.

Where she shot him can't even be stated !

Said Mae West to her number one fan:
"Please me as much as you can."

"It may be confusing,
Don't feel that you're losing."

"You see, boy, I'm really a man !"


And, then there was Hedy LaMarr.....
Great beauty had made her a Star.

But, her acting some said,
Simply filled them with dread.

Which drove them to drink at the bar !

