What was the last concert you went to?
Dead Can Dance a few months ago, when they did their Life and Works, 1980 – 2019 tour. I feel so lucky to have seen them.
Probably the most awesome band ever to have existed, whose music touches parts of your soul that nothing else reaches.
https://youtu.be/g0L5RFspwyE?list=RDg0L5RFspwyE - Song of the Stars
https://youtu.be/zReWPjreJzI?list=RDg0L5RFspwyE - Opium
https://youtu.be/qbaKEt5BtHo?list=RDg0L5RFspwyE - The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove
https://youtu.be/kq59rEVWQNI?list=RDg0L5RFspwyE - Rakim
https://youtu.be/7iqxzURgQWg?list=RDg0L5RFspwyE - The Host Of Seraphim (Remastered)
https://youtu.be/E2IVCyFt2Os?list=RDg0L5RFspwyE - How Fortunate The Man With None
https://youtu.be/unhfa9OnpbE?list=RDg0L5RFspwyE - Severance
https://youtu.be/AuDEjrnFBOo - Song To The Siren