MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > For the original members: do you think t...

For the original members: do you think the traffic on here after 2+ years is what you expected?

I came in after the first week. It's pretty much what I thought in terms of the amount of traffic on these boards. I've gotten my fair share of responses on the individuals movie boards as well as the general boards. Lately we've been getting a lot more users pop up but I do like seeing the same users, too.


I'm not an original member
I believe MC launched in April 2017 and I didn't stumble in here until around August 2017, so forgive me for speaking out of turn✌️

I hoped for much more traffic by now but here's a positive way to look at it...our members are knowledgeable about entertainment, discussions tend to be polite even if there are differences of opinion and debate (sort of the point, right?) and I've met a lot of really fun posters here

Other sites seem to allow multiple sock accounts and non-stop call out threads of the lowest order...I can't see the joy in slinging slurs at strangers on the 'net

I think we're doing right by welcoming our new users, showing respect for other members and keeping the chats civil
We'll keep growing👍


I always felt like you were here from the beginning. You're not that far off though.


I was a little late to the party but I never shut up😬


I joined MC after IMDB message boards shut down. The traffic depends on the topic. Politics, general stuff, movies, tv, music. I like it a lot.


I had hoped it would be a little more. I almost never get a response to an older post, for example.


Sure is busier than when I was here on Day 1. It was just me and arvin g borkar. He was kind of cool back then.
