Text Humor
For example, comments left on YouTube... I find myself laughing more at comments than comedians..
Lots of funny comments on this interesting video, here are some from the videos I liked
"he's speaking English to them like it'll make a difference"
"Next day in the news: big forest fire in australia"
"1st gift how to burn the forest ,wow"
" Meets white man………. then a walmart opens up🤣"
"Meets white man. Puts chemicals in his mouth"
"Why the FucK didn't anybody tell me that I got feathers and a bloody coke straw in my nose..!!!??"
"I dont blame them for being nervous. French people are scary with there barays, weewees and ceeiigarehts."
"The lead chief yelled at the woman saying how white man has credit cards. You can hit the new mall that will be built here soon."
"Just imagine all the pranks we could have played on them.. Thai Ladyboys…chia pets, masterbation greetings, whoopee cushions.. mexican jumping beans, chinese finger traps, .. sea monkeys…pop rocks, showing MTV, Vodka, oh the list is endless, So sad we can't run simulations where we can try different scenarios and no one gets hurt.."
"Who else is high asf and wondering how they ended up here?"
"One day a British man gave tribal leader in Africa a rotating chair and asked him to point out a piece of land to give 'em. African dude sat on chair and chair rotated whilst he was still pointing. That 360 rotation gave the white man all of the land….. If you understand" --- how deep! I'm half-laughing at that last sentence.