Anyone notice how so many people don't value health or well-being?
Even in the "health fad" era it seems so many people just willingly don't care about their health much (mental, physical, emotional) or diet, etc.
I really don't understand this. Some people say it comes down to lack of education on basic nutrients and diet stuff like calories or etc., but it seems to me that people choose to be ignorant and/or just simply don't value their health or well being enough to make more informed decisions.
I'm talking stuff like people disregarding nutrition labels and not caring about what/how much they eat; how much fat they get; how much sodium and if they're getting enough potassium to cancel it out; etc.
So many people in America (where I live) just don't seem to value their health when diet for one happens to be a massive influencer of it, such as consumption habits. This isn't an attack on anyone since I was once one of those who also didn't care until I gained some sense and learned more.
I used to be pretty obese and cared little for my health, eating junk on the regular and tons of salt, fats, fried/fast foods, sugar, etc. I did it because I didn't care or value my health and thought I was "invincible" to anything I consumed.
But now I realize that more people really need to value their health and look after themselves more. But by just giving a little advice some people get defensive or offended/argue with "I don't care" or "It doesn't matter -- we all die anyways." Very negative/pessimistic thinking I gather.
Like really? I think the mentality is centered around some form of ignorance, negativity/cynicism, lack of consideration for health and unwillingness to make any changes to oneself, and possibly arrogance in ways too.
No, I am not one of those "health nuts" who preaches to people -- I just realize how it is to be on both "sides" (the caring and more health conscious side vs. the careless, eat-anything and don't care about health types).
And it isn't just obesity as I see plenty of thin people who still don't care about diet/exercise/etc.
I just don't how if I came to be health conscious after so long being careless myself, why do so many other people not get more with the program and start thinking more about their own and how diet impacts them?
Lots of diseases people get are very much affected by diet and exercise, which are both controllable.
I know "live and let live" but I just don't get why people continue to disregard their health and remain so closed minded with topics of health consciousness or etc. I mean I may have once been a lazy slob who ate junk, but I never was like so many people who not only seem to lack any form of health consciousness with diets but also are self-destructive too.
It's like so many people never see a light at the end of a tunnel and just remain in the dark forever with so many things. I don't mean just diet and exercise, but mental health/stress/depression/anxiety/anger/etc. Many people don't seem to connect the dots and strive to change things or fix their issues -- they just dig deeper and deeper until they can't get out sometimes, like they're unable to realize it. Many of these aforementioned things can and do play roles in making poor health choices and other poor lifestyle choices overall. No I don't want everyone to be highly medicated -- simply more consideration for one's own mental health and mental well being is enough. So many seemingly not caring is the problem though -- and often just go about ignoring their woes/problems and disregarding so many things.
And it is hardly excusable these days with the internet and everything you need to know right at your fingertips -- diet, foods, supplements, therapy, or just mental health assessments and cognitive consideration/care, which to be honest most of us could certainly use at times.
But yeah, I'm done ranting. Just wanted to see where this type of discussion could go, so why not post here?