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Milk or cereals first



Pure physics.

Its just like any cold mixture when you're trying to fully immerse a dry solid with a liquid: Gotta add the solid first, as the subsequent addition of the liquid becomes the first mixing. Its dramatically easier than adding the solid on top of cold liquid.

Obvious difference is with heated liquid, it has to BE heated first, but the heat also makes it more receptive to mixing with a solid. Freeze dried coffee dumped onto near boiling water will damn near fully stir itself in within a second. With cold water, most of the freeze dried coffee can easily get caught on top of the water, blocked by slow dissolving, with streams of coffee solution that seep off the floating mass and collect at the bottom.... it may never fully integrate/mix depending on conditions, but it certainly takes longer than a second.

If the water is heated in something pourable, like a kettle, well then we are back to Solids First!


This should be on a shirt or something XD


Well thats even funnier for me because I design and sell t-shirts (haven't marketed yet, so all sales are currently from people stumbling onto my product in Teepublic searches).

Here is my coffee design I did recently:


Awesome :-)




Cereal. Most of the time I eat it dry, but occasionally put some milk in.


So you eat them like some sort of snack?


Yeah I guess so. Just love the crunch. I think the only cereal that I have to have milk in is rice krispys.
